The Cloud Standards Customer Council™ (CSCC™), an end-user advocacy group dedicated to accelerating cloud's successful adoption, today published version 3.0 of its Security for Cloud Computing: Ten Steps to Ensure Success paper.

When considering a move to cloud computing, organizations must have a clear understanding of the potential security benefits and risks associated with cloud computing and be able to set realistic expectations with their cloud service providers. The heart of this guide is a list of ten steps designed to help decision-makers evaluate and compare security and privacy offerings from different cloud providers in key areas. The ten steps cover:

  • Security, privacy and data residency challenges relevant to cloud computing
  • Considerations that organizations should weigh when migrating data, applications, and infrastructure to a cloud computing environment
  • Threats, technology risks, and safeguards for cloud computing environments
  • A cloud security assessment to help customers assess the security capabilities of cloud service providers

The authors will host a complimentary webinar on January 10, 2018, from 11:00am – 12:00pm ET to introduce the guide. Event details are posted on the CSCC website at

About the Cloud Standards Customer Council
The Cloud Standards Customer Council™ (CSCC™) is an end-user advocacy group dedicated to accelerating the cloud’s successful adoption and drilling down into the standards, security and interoperability issues surrounding the transition to the cloud. The CSCC is chartered to work with standards development organizations (SDOs), open source groups, and end-user organizations to publish vendor-neutral guides on important cloud computing topics. The guides are distributed to industry members to highlight customer requirements, influence standards development, and advance the adoption of cloud computing. The CSCC is managed by the Object Management Group® (OMG®), a not-for-profit IT standards organization. For more information, visit

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