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Mayor Fuson opened the regular City Council meeting at Granger City Hall, 1906 Main Street, Granger, Iowa at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: Present: Bice, Bermel, Backous, Herrold, Smyth

Herrold made motion to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Smyth. All Ayes.

Jake Anderson presented the annual report on the Greater Dallas County Development Alliance and how they assisted the community of Granger.

Police Chief Owen gave his report for 10/10/16 - 11/6/16. He reported 1 welfare check, 1 ambulance, 1 intoxicated person, 5 motorist assists, 3 parking issues, 1 disturbing the peace, 1 attempted suicide, 2 ambulance calls, 1 verbal dispute, 1 hit & run, 1 harassment, 1 accident, 1 identity theft, 1 man with a knife, 1 road rage, 1 burglary, 1 burglar alarm, 1 drunk driving arrest, 1 possible dispute, 1 found property, 5 citations, 4 warnings and 7 other agency assists.

The October 2016 Fire/EMS Report shows there were 15 EMS calls, 3 fire calls and 1 mutual aid.

Report on discolored water - Water Operator, Jarrod Sturtz mentioned that the Langelier index test was completed on the two water samples and the results came back pretty good. One sample was collected near the old water plant and the other collected in Twin Eagles. The results are as follows: Alkalinity, mg/l for sample 1 is 370 and sample 2 is 370; Calcium, mg/l for sample 1 is 86 and for sample 2 is 86; pH for sample 1 is 8.2 and for sample 2 is 8.1; Langelier index for sample 1 is 1.2 and for sample 2 is 1.1. Sturtz mentioned he has taken more samples throughout the City and results came back good after flushing the system throughout the entire town. Sturtz is working closely with several residents that have called about their colored water. Sturtz encourages residents to avoid asking questions about the water through FaceBook and make sure to contact City Hall so we can make sure the issue will be resolved. The Langelier index is a measure of the stability of water. The Engineer mentioned the Langelier index of zero means the water is neither corrosive or depositing, meaning the water will not tend to attach the pipe or will result in precipitation of scale on the pipe and plumbing fixtures. If the Langelier index is below zero the water is aggressive and tends to deteriorate metallic pipes. If the Langelier index is greater than zero the water is depositing. For both test for the City of Granger the Langelier index was just over 1. This index range would be considered mild scale forming or slightly depositing. Given the pH of the water of 8.1 or 8.2 the depositing characteristics of a positive Langelier index would be expected since the Langelier index is impacted by pH. The higher the pH, the higher the Langelier index and the lower the pH, the lower the Langelier index. By itself a Langelier index of slightly over 1 would not be considered to require immediate action. However, slightly lowering the pH may assist in moving the water closer to neutral and assist in reducing deposition that could be a factor in water discoloration. Sturtz plans to flush Twin Eagles Development again since that is where the most problem lies. He will also plan to flush again in the Spring.

Action on Resolution 2016-39 - approving Cooperative Services Agreement for maintenance of joint jurisdictional roads with Polk County (NW 110 Avenue only) was approved by Bice, seconded by Backous. All Ayes.

Action to approve contract for upgrade with Active Network our online registration software was approved by Backous, seconded by Bice. All Ayes.

Action to approve preschool basketball program operated by Breanna Elam (Teams of Tomorrow) for 4 weeks, 45 minute class for $45 at a 80/20 split for instructor was approved by Herrold, seconded by Smyth. All Ayes. This class is for 3-5 year-olds and will take place on Saturday mornings starting in 2017. A second session Art Class for K-5 grade filled up with 15 students and 3 preschool Art students. 1 and 2 grade basketball registration has opened up. Beeline and Blue mentioned the electronic sign at the Community Center will not be fixed at this time. The Company that manufactured the sign is no longer in business. He believes he needs two panels to fix it. He will get back to her is he is able to find some panels.

Mayor Fuson mentioned that last month Matt Dose, who lives at 2412 Park Ridge Drive, was here to request that the City reimburse him $1,674 for moving his fence due to incorrect information received from a representative of the City of Granger in regards to locating his property line. The Mayor mentioned that she talked to Aaron Mullins and he doesn't remember being there at all and Jarrod Sturtz remembers being there but doesn't specifically remember what was said, however, he knows not to locate property lines. Matt Dose is just wondering why the Greif and Sturtz would come out to his property if they were not supposed to be locating property lines. He feels they should of given him a contact so he could call to have his property pins located. The Council asked Greif if he was there and he mentioned he was there but did not locate the property lines for Matt. Council member Smyth mentioned he believes Matt is telling the truth and that Greif and Sturtz went to his property with good intentions but that Matt also agreed that he was trying to save money by not contacting a surveyor to locate his pins. Smyth mentioned he feels Matt is telling the truth because he has received false information in the past regarding his property and he feels that the City should reimburse Matt for ½ the cost that he is requesting. Council member Bice has a concern setting a precedence to the City regarding property lines. He feels there was some miscommunication. Mayor Fuson mentioned she also thought it was a miscommunication and that the staff should of probably said we do not locate property lines and not gone out to his property. Council member Backous believes the Pubic Works' guys probably went to his property with good intentions but that they are not licensed surveyors. Council member Bermel would agree to reimburse for part of the sidewalk but not for moving the fence or the extra sod. Matt Dose mentioned the cost of the concrete was roughly $600. Bermel made motion that the City pay $600 for the cost of the concrete, seconded by Bice. 2 Ayes, 3 Nayes. Smyth moved to reconsider the vote by which Bermel's motion failed, seconded by Bice. 3 Ayes, 2 Nayes. The motion by Bermel to pay $600 for the cost of the concrete is back on the table to be considered. 3 Ayes, 2 Nayes.

Twin Eagles Plat 3 - Engineer Veenstra mentioned the improvements are complete with the exception of few minor clean-up list items and punch list items that the contractor is working on. One issue did arise regarding the two stormwater ponds in which silt will naturally be washed into those ponds once homes get built and they will eventually need to be cleaned out. The contractor has agreed to clean out those ponds and re-seed once the homes have been built around it. The City Attorney has advised the Council that the owner has filed in proper form maintenance bonds for the concrete paving, storm sewers and appurtenances, sanitary sewers and appurtenances, and water mains and appurtenances, which maintenance bonds cover all construction being dedicated to the City. The developer has paid in full the water and sewer fees in the amount of $34,000 and has also filed with the City the required Written Assurances and Agreement of the Owner and Developer with Respect to Sidewalk Construction. Action on Resolution 2016-49 - accepting the improvements in Twin Eagles Point Plat 3 (with the exception of the lift station) was approved by Smyth, seconded by Herrold. All Ayes. The City Attorney will then submit all the required platting documents which has been reviewed. The language in the covenant provides that the Homeowners Association will take care of the maintenance to the detention ponds for the City. Action on Resolution 2016-50 - approving the Final Plat of Twin Eagles Point Plat 3 was approved by Herrold, seconded by Bice. All Ayes.

Lagoon Biosolids Removal Project - Engineer Veenstra mentioned this project will start tomorrow.

2015 Urban Water Quality Initiative - Engineer Veenstra mentioned that they have the final approvals and consents for this project. Action to approve Change Order No. 2 - extending substantial and final completion date to June 15, 2017 at no cost was approved by Backous, seconded by Bermel. All Ayes.

Sidewalk Project - Engineer Veenstra is working on the cost estimates and should have a report for the December Council meeting.

Action on Resolution 2016-51 - incurring TIF indebtedness of $60,000 for the Sidewalk project, was approved by Bice, seconded by Smyth. All Ayes.

Action to establish TIF revenue request of $102,500 for FY 2017-2018 was approved by Herrold, seconded by Bice. All Ayes.

Action on Resolution 2016-52 - approving 2016 annual TIF report to the State of Iowa was approved by Smyth, seconded by Herrold. All Ayes.

Special City Council meeting set for Tuesday, November 22 at 5:30 p.m. to approve the Annual Financial Report.

Action to approve FY 16-17 contribution of $774.00 to the Dallas County Local Housing Trust Fund was approved by Backous, seconded by Bice. All Ayes.

Insurance Committee - the committee would like to recommend continuing with Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield for health and dental insurance for 2017. The rates will increase about 10%. The committee would like to keep the employee-only contribution to the HSA of $1,000 for 2017. Bice made motion to approve the continuation of Wellmark Blue Cross & Blue Shield for health and dental insurance, and employee-only contribution to HSA for $1,000, seconded by Bermel. All Ayes.

Backous reported for the Finance Committee that all information at this time was in order. Bice made motion to approve the report, seconded by Bermel. All Ayes.

Herrold made motion to approve bills for payment, seconded by Bice. All Ayes.

Motion to adjourn the Council meeting at 8:52 p.m. was made by Herrold, seconded by Backous. All Ayes.


Cathy S. Fuson, Mayor

Attest: _________________________________

Kristy Trzeciak, City Clerk

Access Systems Leasing Copier Lease + Usage $ 397.31
Access Systems Leasing Copier Lease + Usage $ 625.74
Access Systems Server System & IT Services $ 203.52
ACME Tools Impact Driver $ 329.00
AED Superstore LIFEPAK CR Plus Fully-Automatic AED w/ Electrodes Pads $ 2,060.00
Agsource Laboratories Wastewater Tests $ 197.70
Agsource Laboratories Wastewater Tests $ 792.90
Ahlers Cooney Attorneys Lagoon Biosolids Removal Project Contract Proceedings $ 1,800.00
Ardick Equipment Co., Inc. Sign Post Brackets for Twin Eagles Development $ 80.00
Baker & Taylor Library Books $ 95.54
Baker & Taylor Library Books $ 36.38
Baker & Taylor Library Books $ 51.00
Baker & Taylor Library Books $ 80.62
Barnes & Noble Library DVD's $ 23.58
Barnes & Noble Library Books $ 19.60
Barnes & Noble Library Books $ 87.08
Bartlett, Gina Art Class Instructor Payment $ 56.10
Bartlett, Gina Art Class Instructor Payment $ 542.30
Bartlett, Gina Art Class Instructor Payment $ 56.10
Beneventi Chevrolet Tire Replacement/Service Filter, Lube, Diesel, Brakes, Air Filter on Ambulance $ 1,755.98
Brown, Fagen & Rouse Legal Services for Nov 2016/Dallas Co. Recorder Ord No. 346 & UR Amendment #3 $ 2,279.00
BSN Sports Foul Poles $ 989.99
Carpenter Uniform Co. Clutch Backs/Liner Belt/Belt Keepers for Don Hocking $ 44.48
Casey's General Stores Fuel $ 1,204.46
City of West Des Moines FY 16-17 Dallas County Local Housing Trust Fund $ 774.00
Culligan Water of Adel Water Cooler Rental/Bottled Water for City Hall $ 23.55
Dallas Co EMS Tiering Services $ 150.00
Dallas Co EMS Tiering Services $ 150.00
Daniel's Filter Service Filters $ 48.00
Daniel's Filter Service Filters $ 191.68
Electric Pump Pump Lift Chain Hook $ 210.00
Erickson, Kearney & Associates 2017 Dodge Truck Insurance $ 280.00
Gatehouse Media Publications $ 447.68
GCMOA GCMOA 2016 Annual Clerk Meeting - Lunch for Erikson & Trzeciak $ 36.00
GCMOA GCMOA 2016 Membership Dues $ 20.00
Hach Pan Ind Soln/Ascorbic Acid/Alkaline Cyanide $ 140.49
Harned, Jennifer Cell Phone Reimbursement $ 35.00
Hawkins, Inc. Chlorine/Sodium Permanganate $ 1,180.13
HD Supply Hydrant Repair Kit $ 108.13
Heartland Flagpoles American Flags $ 170.00
Home Depot Plastic Light Covers/Keys/Lag Bolts/Washers/Hex Bolts/Rebar $ 70.31
Iowa Cubs Sports Turf Management Flag Football/Soccer Field Renovations $ 12,160.00
Iowa One Call Faxes $ 23.40
Iowa Prison Industries Posts & Signs for Twin Eagles Development $ 721.05
Jones Creek Apparel Dance T-shirts $ 11.00
Jones Creek Apparel Flag Football T-shirts $ 26.00
Kempker's True Value Pump Rental $ 50.40
Kempker's True Value Popcorn for Movies at Community Center $ 30.99
Kempker's True Value Braided Hoses for Water Booster Station $ 17.98
Kempker's True Value Keys/Softner Salt $ 25.44
Keystone Laboratories Water Tests $ 28.00
Logan Contractors Supply, Inc. Road Patch for Potholes $ 247.00
Magnani, Beverly Reim for Ambulance $ 100.33
Mullins, Aaron Cell Phone Reimbursement $ 35.00
Norlen, Barbara Reim for Ambulance $ 60.00
Office Depot Copier Paper/Ink/Correction Tape/Reinforcement Labels $ 136.54
Perfater, Sherri Reim for GCC Rental $ 50.00
Polk City Fire Department Tiering Services $ 600.00
Praxair Oxygen $ 176.95
Purchase Power Postage $ 460.79
Racom Coporation EDACS Access $ 470.00
Safelite Auto Glass Windshield Repair for Police Vehicle $ 246.85
Secretary of State Notary Stamp Renewal - Erikson $ 30.00
Strauss Security Solutions Medeco Keys $ 30.00
Sturtz, Jarrod Cell Phone Reimbursement $ 35.00
This Old House Library Magazine Subscription $ 20.00
Trzeciak, Kristy Cell Phone Reimbursement $ 35.00
UPS UPS Shipping Charges $ 24.73
UPS UPS Shipping Charges $ 37.02
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services for Granger Hill PUD $ 116.00
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services For Twin Eagles Lift Station-Construction $ 3,191.59
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services for State Street Bridge Replacement - Construction $ 2,125.64
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services for Granger 2016 Bridge Inspection $ 95.00
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services for Twin Eagles Plat 3 - Construction $ 9,975.09
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services for Ironwood Estates Plat 2 - Construction Observation $ 77.50
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Engineering Services for Ironwood Estates - Construction Inspection $ 686.34
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. Building Permit Fees for September 2016 $ 218.40
Verizon Wireless Cell Phone Charges $ 120.94
Walter's Sanitary Service, Inc. Container Pick Up $ 155.00
Walter's Sanitary Service, Inc. Container Pick Up $ 337.28
Walter's Sanitary Service, Inc. Residential Garbage Reimbursement 10/01/2016-10/31/2016 $ 6,905.80
TOTAL $ 57,737.40
General Fund $ 51,106.60
Bridge/Culvert Capital Project Fund $ 2,125.64
Water Fund $ 2,219.31
Sewer Fund $ 2,285.85
TOTAL $ 57,737.40
General Fund $ 240,965.22
Road Use Tax Fund $ 12,367.01
Employee Benefit Fund $ 45,640.09
Emergency Fund $ 6,379.57
TIF Fund $ 14,079.75
Debt Service Fund $ 110,921.37
Bridge/Culvert Capital Project Fund $ 69,312.99
Water Fund $ 17,770.65
Sewer Fund $ 37,297.04
Vehicle Replacement Fund $ 1.77
TOTAL $ 554,735.46

City of Granger, IA published this content on 05 January 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 05 January 2017 20:27:06 UTC.

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