That announcement coming from Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday (December 6).

He was speaking during a visit to Kenya, which has been active in diplomatic efforts to halt a war in Ethiopia between the Tigray People's Liberation Front and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's federal government.

Wang said countries need to stay free from the, quote, "major powers' geo game" and take the destiny of the region "firmly in their own hands".

He suggested that Horn of Africa nations convene a peace conference.

Wang has also visited Eritrea which borders the northern Tigray region.

It has been an ally of Abiy in a conflict that has killed thousands and forced hundreds of thousands to flee.

The region's other major conflict is in Somalia where Al Shabaab militants are fighting a Western-backed government.

China's interests in the Horn of Africa include its naval base in Djibouti overlooking a key global shipping route.

The region is also threatened by instability in South Sudan where China has substantial oil investments.