PR Newswire/Les Echos/


Rome, 8 January 2015 - The Company announces that the documentation concerning
the merger within Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ of IMSER 60 SIINQ S.p.A. and B.S.
Immobiliare 8 S.p.A. SIINQ (wholly owned subsidiaries), which will be resolved
by the Board of Directors in the meeting of 10 February 2015, is available, from
today, at the Company's registered office in Rome, on the Borsa Italiana
S.p.A.'s website (, on the authorized central storage
mechanism "1 Info" ( and also on the Company's website at (Investors / Shareholders Information / Notices).


Beni Stabili S.p.A. SIIQ
avv. Ranieri d'Atri
Corporate Affairs & Authorities
tel. +39 6 36222299 Fax +39 6 36222210

Beni Stabili Società per Azioni Società di Investimento Immobiliare Quotata
Via Piemonte, 38 - 00187 Rome - Italy -
Tel +39 06 36222.1 Fax +39 06 36222.365
- registered office
Via Carlo Ottavio Cornaggia, 10 - 20123 Milan - Italy -
Tel +39 02.36664.100 Fax +39 02.36664.645
Share capital approved for EUR 331,687,651.50 subscribed and paid up for EUR
Tax code and Rome Companies Register no. 00380210302 - VAT number 04962831006 -
Economic and Administrative Index 821225
Company subject to the Management and Coordination, as per art. 2497-bis of the
Italian Civil Code, of Foncière des Régions S.A.

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