Test Text
10000 Zagreb
Miramarska 24
10000 Zagreb
Ivana Lučića 2a
Slavonski Brod, 20th January 2015
Our reference no.: 5/2015
Subject: Notification of changes in voting rights
In accordance with Article 428 of the Capital Market Act we wish to notify you that the Đuro Đaković Holding d.d. company received on 19th January 2015 notification from shareholder the STATE OFFICE FOR STATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, No. 10 Dežmanova, Zagreb, PIN: 21517370020, hereinafter: DUUDI, regarding the acquisition of Company shares, whereby the aforementioned shareholder notified us that by a transaction executed on 16th December 2014 on the Zagreb Stock Exchange it purchased 3,250,000.00 shares of the issuer/company ticker DDJH- R-A, each with a nominal value of HRK 20.00.
With the cited order DUUDI has acquired 3,250,000.00 shares, representing 42.782% of voting rights. Following this acquisition DUUDI has in its ownership 3,814,552.00, representing 50.21% of shares.
Besides the above cited, DUUDI holds for the Croatian Pension Insurance Institute 660,000.00 shares and for the STATE AGENCY FOR DEPOSIT INSURANCE AND BANK REHABILITATION 104,771.00 shares, which together with the shares DUUDI holds in its own name makes 4,579,323.00 shares, representing 60.28% of voting rights with the issuer.

President of the Management Board
Tomislav Mazal
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