Zeng Hsing Industrial Co., Ltd. announced changes to Remuneration Committee. Name of the previous position holder: Pai,Young-Yaw, Tarng,Ming-Liang, Hsu,Jun-Ming. Resume of the previous position holder: Independent Director: Tarng,Ming-Liang - Independent Director, ZENG HSING.

Independent Director: Hsu,Jun-Ming -Independent Director, ZENG HSING. Name of the new position holder: Independent Director: Pai,Young-Yaw, Independent Director: Huang,Hui-Yu, Independent Director: Hsu,Yung-Sheng. Resume of the new position holder: Independent Director: Pai,Young-Yaw Independent Director, ZENG HSING Chairman, Precision Motion Industries Inc. Independent Director: Huang,Hui-Yu Accountant and partner of Yangtze Accounting Firm.

Independent Director: Hsu, Yung-Sheng Professor,Department of Management Information,Chung Hsing University. Reason for the change: Term expired. Effective date of the new appointment is June 21, 2024.

.Original term from August 5, 2021 to July 19, 2024.