Yuexiu Property Company Limited announced unaudited sales results for the month and year to date ended December 2012. In December 2012, the company's contracted sales value amounted to approximately RMB 461 million with contracted sales GFA amounted to approximately 48,600 sq.m., representing year-on-year decreases of 73% and 71% respectively.

For the year to date ended, aggregate contracted sales value of the company amounted to approximately RMB 12.3 billion with aggregated contracted sales GFA of approximately 1,035,200 sq.m., representing year-on-year increases of 36% and 70% respectively. The aggregate contracted sales in terms of value and GFA accounted for approximately 123% and 108% of the 2012 target of no less than RMB 10 billion and 960,000 sq.m. respectively. If preliminary sales (the formal sales contracts that are expected to be entered into soon) were taken into account, aggregate value of contracted sales and preliminary sales for the period from January to December 2012 increased to approximately RMB 16.128 billion, and aggregate GFA of contracted sales and preliminary sales increased to approximately 1,303,600 sq.m.