Yangtze Optical Fibre And Cable Joint Stock Limited Company entered into the 2020 China Huaxin Framework Agreement with China Huaxin for a term of one year commencing from January 23, 2020 to regulate the sales and purchase transactions with China Huaxin Group and the 2020 Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement with Nokia Shanghai for a term of one year commencing from January 23, 2020, to regulate the purchase transactions with Nokia Shanghai Group. the company entered into the Supplemental China Huaxin Framework Agreement with China Huaxin to expand the product coverage under the 2020 China Huaxin Framework Agreement to include the supply of optical telecommunication products and provision of ancillary construction services for wireless network construction under the communication network construction project and revise the annual cap for the sales transactions with China Huaxin Group for the year ended December 31, 2020; and the Supplemental Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement to revise the annual cap for the purchase transactions with Nokia Shanghai Group for the year ended December 31, 2020. The 2020 China Huaxin Framework Agreement (as supplemented by the Supplemental China Huaxin Framework Agreement) and the 2020 Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement (as supplemented by the Supplemental Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement) have expired on January 22, 2021. As the Group intends to continue carrying out the transactions contemplated under the 2020 China Huaxin Framework Agreement (as supplemented by the Supplemental China Huaxin Framework Agreement) and the 2020 Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement (as supplemented by the Supplemental Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement), the Board announces that on January 29, 2021: Since Nokia Shanghai is an associate of China Huaxin and the Group's transactions with China Huaxin Group and Nokia Shanghai Group, being purchase of goods, are of a similar nature, the purchase transactions with China Huaxin Group as contemplated under the 2021 China Huaxin Framework Agreement and the purchase transactions with Nokia Shanghai Group as contemplated under the 2021 Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement will be aggregated and treated as if they were one transaction pursuant to Rules 14A.82(1) and 14A.83 of the Listing Rules. Accordingly, the proposed annual caps in respect of the purchase transactions with each of China Huaxin Group and Nokia Shanghai Group are aggregated, and such aggregate amount in the sum of RMB250,000,000 is used when calculating the relevant percentage ratios under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules. The 2021 China Huaxin Framework Agreement is valid for a period of one year from January 29, 2021. The parties to the agreement may negotiate to extend the term of the agreement before its expiry. Sale of optical fibres, optical fibre cables, optical telecommunication products and provision of ancillary construction services To implement the transactions for sales and provision of ancillary construction services contemplated under the 2021 China Huaxin Framework Agreement, a member of China Huaxin Group will place specific purchase orders with the Group each time they source from the Group optical fibres, optical fibre cables, optical telecommunication products and ancillary construction services. A purchase order typically contains terms on product specifications, quantity, scope of services, payment date and method, delivery arrangements, liabilities and warranties. The marketing team of the Company will keep abreast of the pricing information made available to the public by the General Administration of Customs of the PRC from time to time. Such pricing information is usually updated on a monthly basis. The 2021 Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement is valid for a period of one year from January 29, 2021. The parties to the agreement may negotiate to extend the term of the agreement before its expiry. To implement the purchase transactions contemplated under the 2021 Nokia Shanghai Purchase Framework Agreement, the Group will place specific purchase orders with Nokia Shanghai Group each time the Group purchases communication equipment products from Nokia Shanghai Group. A purchase order typically contains terms on product specifications, quantity, payment date and method, delivery arrangements, liabilities and warranties. The marketing team of the company will keep abreast of the pricing information made available to the public by the General Administration of Customs of the PRC from time to time. Such pricing information is usually updated on a monthly basis.