Xinjiang La Chapelle Fashion Co., Ltd. announced that Mr. Shi Fangping tendered his resignation as an employee representative supervisor of the Company on 15 January 2021 in order to devote more time to his other personal commitments and seek other development opportunities. Before the resignation of Mr. Shi, the supervisory committee of the Company comprised of three supervisors. According to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China the Company's articles of association, and other relevant regulations, the resignation of Mr. Shi will cause the number of Supervisory Committee members to fall below the stipulated minimum number. Consequently, to maintain the normal operation of the Company's supervisory board, Mr. Sun Bin has been elected and appointed as an employee representative supervisor of the Company with immediate effect in the employee representative meeting held on the same day. On 15 January 2021, the Supervisory Committee approved the resignation of Mr. Shi and the appointment of Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun Bin served as an executive officer of Shanghai Datun Energy Company Limited (a company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange from December 2000 to December 2010 and has served as an executive officer of the Company since December 2010. The term of office of Mr. Sun as an employee representative supervisor shall commence from the election at the employee representative meeting held on 15 January 2021 and shall end on the expiry of the term of the fourth session of the Supervisory Committee. Mr. Sun has not entered into any service contract with the Company in relation to his election as an employee representative supervisor and will not receive any remuneration in his position as an employee representative supervisor of the Company.