Eede, the Netherlands -12 September 2013

Date judgement in preliminary relief proceedings

With reference to its press release of 9 September 2013, Xeikon N.V. ("Xeikon") announces that during the court session of 11 September 2013, the relief judge has indicated that he will render a written judgement ultimately on Monday 16 September 2013, at 12:00 hours (CET). Xeikon has requested the relief judge to consider issuing an oral judgement sooner. As soon as Xeikon has received a (written or oral) court decision, it will make a public announcement in that regard.

Supplemental agenda item for the EGM of 17 September 2013

The supervisory board of Xeikon (the "Supervisory Board") has decided to add another agenda item to the agenda of the extraordinary generai meeting of shareholders of Xeikon (the "EGM") to be held on 17 September 2013; a copy of the supplemental agenda item is attached hereto as an annex. This item will be the confirmation of the position of Herman olde Bolhaar as member of the Supervisory Board. lt will be a voting item. Mr Olde Bolhaar was last reappointed as member of the Supervisory Board during the company's AGM in 2009. The term of his appointment was neither specified in the company's articles of association nor in the resolution made at the AGM in 2009. Prior to the AGM
2013, the Supervisory Board has decided that the term of appointment of Mr Olde Bolhaar which started in 2009 would end at the end of the AGM to be held in 2014. The Supervisory Board has presently been advised, however, that shareholders may have been let to believe that said term has ended on 28 May 2013, the date ofthis year's AGM. Therefore, it is proposed that the position of Mr Olde Bolhaar as a member of the Supervisory Board is confirmed. Adoption of this proposal will serve as a confirmation that the term of appointment of Mr Olde Bolhaar which started on 9 May 2009 will end on the date of the company's AGM to be held in 2014.
This announcement is made pursuant to Section 5:25i, secondi paragraph of the Act on Financial

Supervision (Wet op het financieel toezicht ).

For information, please contact Mr H.B. olde Bolhaar, Chairman of the Supervisory Board or Mr C. Vlasblom, CFO, reachable via the head office of Xeikon at +31 (0)117- 37 5020.

About Xeikon

Xeikon NV {XEI: AEX) is an innovator in digitai printing technology. The company designs, develops and delivers web-fed

digitai color presses for labels and packaging applications, document printing, as well as commerciai printing. These presses utilize LED-array-based dry toner electrophotography. open workflow software and application-specific toners.

As an OEM supplier, Xeikon designs and produces plate makers for newspaper offset printing applications. Xeikon also

manufactures basysPrint computer-to-plate (CtP} solutions for the commerciai printing market. These proven CtP systems combine the latest exposure techniques with cost-efficient UV plate technology, high imaging quality and flexibility.

For the flexographic market, Xeikon offers digitai platemaking systems under the ThermoFiexX brand name. ThermoFiexX

systems provide high resolution plate exposure including screening, colour management, as well as workflow management.

Ali the Xeikon solutions are designed with the overarching principles of profitability, quality, flexibility and sustainability in mind.

With these guiding principles and a deep, intimate knowledge of its customers, Xeikon continues to be one of the industry's leading innovators of products and solutions.

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Xeikon NV - Brieversstraat 70 - 4529 GZ Eede - N ederland m - info @x e i k on . com

Annex press release 12 September 2013




On 17 September 2013, an extraordina:ry generai meeting of shareholders (tbe Meeting) of Xeikon N.V., having its otlìcial seat in Sluis, the Netherlands (the Comp my) will be held. The notice of the meeting including the originai agenda was published on 6 August 2013 and is available from the Company's website,

AdditiouaJ agenda item for EGM:

The Supervisory Board has decided to add the follOving item to the agenda of the Meeting:

ltem 4a: Confirmation ofthe position ofHennan Olde Bolhaar as member ofthe Supervisory Board. This will be a voting item.


Mr. Olde Boihaar was Iast reappointed as member of the Supervisory Board during the Company's annuai generai meeting in 2009. The tenn ofhis appointment was neither specified in the Company's articles of association nor in the resolution made at the annual generai meeting in 2009. Prior to t11e annual generai meeting held on 28 May 2013, the Supervisory Board has decided that the tenn of appointment of Mr. Oide Boihaar which startecl in 2009 wouid end at the end of the annual generai meeting to be held in 2014. The Supervisory Board has been advised, however, that shareholders may bave been let to believe that said term has ended on 28 May 2013, the date of this year's annual generai meeting. Therefore, it is proposed that the position of Mr. Oide Bolhaar as a member of the Supervisory Board is confirmed.

Adoption of this proposal will serve as a confirmation that the term of appointment of Mr. Olde Bolhaar which started on 9 May 2009 will end on the date of the Company's annual generai meeting to be held in 2014.

Further information:

Further infommtion conceming Mr. Oide Bolhaar:

age: 65;

Professian: Senior Vice President and Head of the Joint Venture Office of Philips Intemational; number of shares held in the share capital of the Company and the aggregate amount of such shares: nil;

position he hoids or has heid: member and chairman of the Supervisory Board of the. Company.

The Supervisory Board

Eede, 12 September 2013


Xeikon NV - Brieversstraat 70 - 4529 GZ Eede - N ederland www .x e i ko n. com - info@xe i kon . com

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