WuXi Biologics announced that Dr. Chiang Syin has joined the company as Chief Quality Officer, responsible for quality assurance, quality control laboratories and regulatory affairs. Dr. Chiang Syin has nearly 30 years of experience in FDA regulatory review and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance of biological and biotech products. Prior to joining WuXi Biologics, he was a Gates Project International Expert for the Center for Food and Drug Inspection of CFDA (CFDI). From 2012 to February 2017, he served as the FDA Associate Country Director managing the Office's drug and device inspection program in China. Prior to joining the China Office, he served as a Branch Chief in the Office of Compliance and Biologics Quality, the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). In this position, he provided leadership and program guidance to the staff engaged in Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) reviews and GMP inspections for premarketing license applications and post marketing changes of the biological products. He was briefly transferred to the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) with biotech products in 2003 to help setting up the biotech inspection team in CDER. Dr. Syin has been actively involved in FDA drug/biologics regulatory policy and guidance development that includes drafting Vaccines CMC and Phase I GMP guidance documents as well as the 2011 Process Validation guidance revision.