Windfall Geotek announced that the company has been commissioned by Go Metals Corp. to deploy proprietary CARDS Artificial Intelligence ("AI") system. The contract will identify prospective copper-silver targets on the IOCG over Go Metals project located in the Yukon and the contract is valued at $60,000 CAD. About Go Metals Monster Project: The Monster project covers 68.5 km2 over the Wernecke Breccia, a hematitic breccia belt of similar style and age as IOCG deposits on Southern Australia such as the Carrapateena and Olympic Dam. Windfall Geotek will use the following data provided from Go Metals: 2018 Magnetic-Radiometric survey data at 19m resolution database. Rock samples database (206). Drillhole database and interpreted remote sensing lineaments, faults, and contacts data. This data will be then merged into a dataset to proceed to the copper-silver potential analysis with CARDS AI system. Windfall Geotek CARDS analysis identifies areas of high exploration potential using several techniques listed below: Algorithms analyze each layer (Figure 2) of information for every drill hole/rock/soil sample and data site to create a unique signature for the mineralization that is being sought. The MCubiX data mining engine (with numerous supporting algorithms) analysis recognizes patterns of information among drill holes and other sample media. The system uses these algorithms to find new patterns that are often not recognized by the naked eye. CARDS analysis identifies locations of the new mineralization signature in the exploration area. Predictions are given a cell rating by percentage. Millions of spatial data points and their relationships are analyzed, which a human brain cannot do as efficiently and quickly as a computer. The CARDS System becomes trained and "cross validates" each model that CARDS generates. The cell rating percentage "weeds out" unwanted (low percentage cells) targets, leaving only the highest probability areas for the discovery of mineralization. In some regions this may be as low as 5% of total original project area.