For Release: 01/25/2014

Minnesota Energy Resources Asking Customers to Reduce Natural Gas Use

Rochester, MN - Minnesota Energy Resources is asking all its customers to immediately reduce and limit their use of natural gas. This is due to a natural-gas pipeline incident in Canada early Saturday. The incident has severely disrupted natural gas supply throughout the region, including Minnesota. As a result, all utilities are working together to reduce use on their systems as much as possible. Specifically, residential customers are asked to use take as many of these actions as possible until further notice:

  • Use alternate heating fuels if possible
  • Turn down thermostats
  • Avoid using gas hot water
  • Avoid using gas clothes dryers

Many industrial and large customers have taken action to reduce their usage of natural gas. Safe and reliable gas service is still important during this event. If customers have a natural-gas emergency or lose heat, they should contact the Minnesota Energy customer service center at 800-889-4970.

For More Information, Contact:
  • Lisa Prunty
    Manager Public Relations
  • Media Hotline
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