Milan, 23rd January 2014 - Salini Impregilo announces, pursuant to art. 2.6.2 of the Regulation for Markets Orgagnised and Managed by Borsa Italiana, the dates of publication of its business and financial results which will be examined by the Board of Directors and the Shareholders' Meeting during 2014.

  • 19 March: Draft financial statement ai 31 December 2013
  • 14 May: Interim report on operations at 31 March 2014
  • 5 August: Half-year financial report at 30 June 2014
  • 12 November: Interim report on operations at 30 September 2014 

The shareholders' Meeting to approve the financial statement at 31 December 2013 is planned for 30 April 2014.

Any changes to the above dates will be promptly announced.

The calendar of company events is available to the public on the company website (www.saliniimpregilo. com).

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