Allied Copper Corp. announced that the Company has now received all the laboratory analytical results of the Mobile Metal Ion Soil Geochemistry (MMI) soil samples from the Silver King (SK) Property in Eastern Nevada. The analytical data has been cross checked and compiled by Rene Victorino (P. Geo.), QP for Allied Copper Corp.

The program involved the collection of soil samples within the original SK area and a promising southern target area. The program served to expand and infill the coverage of an MMI soil sampling process carried out in 2007. This new MMI soil sampling program further traced out soil geochemical anomalies that complement the ground geophysical survey data.

The information will assist in delineating attractive drill targets for the exploration program planned for second quarter and third quarter of 2022. The surface geochemistry program involved the coverage of five (5) 2 km-long NE-SW lines in the southern target area, and another four (4) 2.2 km-long NE-SW lines and one (1) 3 km-long E-W line in the SK area. Sample spacing in these areas is 50m and the lines are 350m to 500m apart.

The gap was filled in between these two targets and additional samples along four (4) E-W lines, about 4 km in length, were also collected. The sample lines in the middle ground are 600m apart and sample spacing along the lines is 50m. A total of 835 samples were sent to the laboratory for MMI analysis.

These samples included 797 regular soil samples, 20 field duplicates and 18 blanks which were inserted as part of the program's external QA/QC procedures. The data is currently being validated, processed, and consolidated with previously gathered field data. The updated and more comprehensive results of the soil geochemistry study will be used to finalize the layout of the ground 3D IP-Resistivity geophysical survey.

Allied Copper anticipates the survey will be completed in first quarter of 2022. Initial data runs confirm multi-element soil anomaly zones over the SK and South target areas. More specifically, distinct outlines of elevated values of Cu, Ag, Au, Pb and Zn were identified, further enhancing the property's potential to host porphyry system-related and associated skarn-type mineralization.