WASHINGTON, D.C. , Jan. 27, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Fairness in Music Licensing Coalition and VNUE, Inc. announced today a partnership to advance efforts to reform U.S. Copyright law so that the music economy is more transparent for both small business music users and songwriters.

“We are developing technology that will identify music that is played in venues, whether it is live, recorded, karaoke, or some other form of performance,” said music technology expert Zach Bair, CEO of VNUE (OTC: VNUE) and also longtime president of DiscLive Network. “We share the FMLC vision of making music licensing for venues and songwriters more transparent.”

“We are very excited that Zach has committed to our cause. He has tremendous knowledge and experience in the music industry and will help us update our music licensing system to the 21st century,” said FMLC Director of Outreach Scott Ellis. “We are constantly bombarded with questions from small business owners about what music they are paying for. We just don’t know. We have learned from our industry surveys that similar businesses ultimately pay very different music licensing fees. Technology that identifies songwriters will help us and help songwriters too.”

“Our mission is to support small independent businesses and organizations that are impacted by music licensing,” said Amy Christie, FMLC Vice President of Government Affairs. “Opaque blanket licensing fees and harsh collection practices by Performing Rights Organizations, like ASCAP, BMI and SESAC impact our members every single day. We want to simplify, modernize and clarify the Copyright Act.”

FMLC advocates for a music licensing system in which music users know what they are paying for and that fees go to the songwriters who deserve to be paid.


The Fairness in Music Licensing Coalition (FMLC) promotes and advances the interests of small businesses and organizations impacted by the current process for assessing music licensing fees. FMLC is the only advocacy organization exclusively focused on making the music licensing system simpler, fairer and more transparent for small businesses in the hospitality industry. For policy updates and more information on the association and its activities, visit the Fairness in Music Licensing Coalition on the web at www.musicfairness.org.



Amy Christie
Vice President of Government Affairs, FMLC