VMware, Inc. unveiled the VMware Solution Exchange, an online virtualization and cloud solutions marketplace where customers, partners and developers can converge to help simplify the process of evaluating and selecting business solutions through a centralized, self-service portal. The VMware Solution Exchange offers partners and developers who complement, integrate or interoperate with VMware's portfolio of products a one-stop location to market and sell their solutions to potential customers. The proliferation of social media tools has evolved the way many people use the Internet to search, share and discover information, with user-generated feedback and community engagement playing an important role. The VMware Solution Exchange looks to provide this familiar experience, by empowering customers to utilize search tools, explore rich multimedia content, and directly engage with partners and developers to help ease the process of finding the right solution for their businesses. Additional VMware Solution Exchange features include: partners and developers can feature their solutions and supplement their listings with rich multimedia content, including the ability to embed YouTube videos, provide product overviews, select technology categories, downloadable trial software, screenshots of their products, downloadable whitepapers, architecture blueprints and other marketing collateral; each partner and developer will be able to provide an overview of their solution, with VMware and third party software version compatibility, VMware certification details, including their VMware; customers of all sizes, from small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), to enterprise buyers, will be able to discover new solutions and directly engage with partners and developers with inquiries for licenses, trials, support and sales requests. In addition, the VMware Solution Exchange provides customers with the opportunity to use a five-star rating system and provide a written review about their experience with the solution. They can also vote on a particular version of a partner's solution.