
Ad-hoc-announcement pursuant to sec.15 para. 1 sentence 1 WpHG

Initiation of squeeze-out procedure

Today, VictorianFibre Holding GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany, submitted to the Management Board of Versatel AG, Berlin, Germany (ISIN DE000A0M2ZK2/ WKN A0M2ZK), a formal request according to sec. 327a German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz-AktG) for a resolution to be passed at a General Meeting of the company’s shareholders to transfer shares held by the remaining shareholders (minority shareholders) to VictorianFibre Holding GmbH as majority shareholder in return for an adequate cash compensation (so-called squeeze-out). This measure is subject to approval of a General Meeting of Versatel AG. The relevant resolution is to be passed at a separate Extraordinary General Meeting which is expected to take place before the end of 2011.

VictorianFibre Holding GmbH holds more than 98 % of the issued share capital of Versatel AG and therefore is the majority shareholder of the company according to section 327a para. 1 sentence 1 AktG.

Berlin, 2nd of August 2011

The Management Board