Verisk Analytics, Inc. has launched its ISO Experience Index, an innovative tool designed to modernize how actuaries in the insurance industry analyze risk patterns. The ISO Experience Index addresses the increasing volatility and scale of loss patterns in the industry, offering a responsive and up-to-date indicator of observed underwriting experience. As a benchmarking tool for insurers, ISO Experience Index provides users with frequent and responsive insights to help accelerate pricing decisions and bolster confidence in the evaluation of market conditions.

Verisk's new index: Offers quarterly releases and streamlined data adjustments, with more frequent updates compared to traditional loss cost reviews. Is directly tied to specific points in time and maintains consistent methodology across different states, to support uniformity in measurement. Provides carriers with current information and contextual insights beyond the annual review cycles.

Recent trends seen in the ISO Experience Index for Homeowners underscore the importance of this tool, demonstrating the fluctuation of loss levels throughout different markets. The countrywide Experience Index rose 2.5% in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter, reversing course from the decline observed in the third quarter. The index remains 3.4% higher than the mark at the end of 2022, and 24.4% above the level at the end of 2021.

Beyond its responsiveness to the latest data trends, the tool also helps illuminate longer-term patterns with its multi-year view. By using the rolling five-year basis of data, the index reveals a 17.2% increase in pure premiums for the fourth quarter of 2023, compared to the preceding five-year period. This provides numerical context to issues such as severe convective storms that have become increasingly relevant to property insurers and present a new operating environment.

The ISO Experience Index is available on existing product delivery platforms for eligible subscribers of Verisk's Core Lines Services. The initial launch is poised to introduce loss level metrics by state for Homeowners, with expansion expected soon to follow for other key lines of business.