Valuence Holdings Inc. provided consolidated earnings guidance for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2024. For the full year, the company expects net sales of JPY 82,400 million, operating loss of JPY 600 million, loss attributable to owners of parent of JPY 1,890 million and basic loss per share of JPY 145.43 against net sales of JPY 81,370 million, operating loss of JPY 1,200 million, loss attributable to owners of parent of JPY 1,960 million and basic loss per share of JPY 150.82. Reason for the Revision: As announced in the "Notice of Differences between Consolidated Financial Results Forecasts and the Results for the Cumulative second quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2024, Revisions to the Consolidated Financial Results Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending August 31, 2024, and Revisions to the Dividend Forecasts (No Dividend) dated April 12, 2024, the Company has been purchasing with an emphasis on gross profit margin and has been implementing its sales strategy as planned from the third quarter of the fiscal year.

As a result of these factors, the gross profit margin is improving and the bullion market was favorable, etc., and the consolidated financial results for the third quarter of the current fiscal year exceeded the initial forecast, which was announced on April 12, 2024.