Debate. Energy, the forum for dialogue on the future of energy launched by Uniper, will present the Energy Report 2020 in a few days.

The study on the energy supply of tomorrow was commissioned by Uniper and carried out by the opinion research company Civey. The Energy Report 2020 will be presented on July 1 in Berlin at the first Debate.Energy Conference - a discussion event with high-ranking representatives from politics, business and science. The event will take place virtually and can be followed live. In addition to Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Soder, other speakers will include Brigitte Knopf, Secretary General of the Mercator Research Institute, Holger Losch, Deputy CEO of the BDI and Andreas Schierenbeck, CEO of Uniper, who will talk about the energy world of the future. All speakers, further information and the link to the live stream for July 1 at

Andreas Schierenbeck, CEO of Uniper, says: 'The energy transition is a task for society. Business, science and politics now have the unique opportunity to shed light on possible courses of action, to find the best solutions in joint discourse and to courageously make them a reality. With Debate.Energy we want to offer this important exchange a forum and with our event in Berlin we will personally continue the debate on energy system transformation. The aim is to discuss the possibilities of the future openly and on the basis of facts.'

The Debate.Energy study 'Energy Report 2020' confirms that the need for an energy transition has arrived in the minds of Germans. It also became clear that an energy mix will continue to be necessary in the future in order to ensure security of supply in the face of steadily increasing electricity demand. According to the participants in the study, energy efficiency, CO2 neutrality and innovations are particularly relevant to the energy supply of the future, in addition to storage solutions. After renewable energies (37%), hydrogen is the most important energy carrier of the future (29%) and, along with energy storage systems, is one of the decisive factors (24%) for the success of the energy transition.

In addition to the energy sources of the future, the study focused on new technologies that will drive and accelerate the energy transition. But it also looked at how security of supply can be guaranteed and what contributions each individual is prepared to make.

Energy generation from coal is no longer of any importance to the respondents. The study has confirmed that the majority of Germans are in favor of phasing out coal. The majority are also optimistic that the energy transition will succeed and they show great confidence in renewable energies. However, some of those surveyed are skeptical about a complete switch to renewable energies, as it is not clear whether security of supply would be guaranteed.

There is disagreement about energy costs: the majority assumes that energy prices will rise. Those surveyed are in favor of more climate-neutral, sustainable and CO2-reduced energy sources and at the same time know that these are more expensive than fossil fuels - yet they are not prepared to pay more. This represents the great paradox of future energy supply: Price stings sustainability. Only Generation Y, those born between 1980 and 2000, are an exception. They are much more strongly marked by an awareness of sustainability than other generations.

Even if the majority is not prepared to pay more for energy, Germans still want to make their own contribution to climate protection even after the Corona crisis: for example, through more sustainable products, avoiding unnecessary travel or green electricity.

The opinion research company Civey surveyed more than 2,500 people between June 2 and June 17, 2020. The results are representative of the German population aged 18 and over. The statistical error of the overall results is 3.3 percent.

About Debate. Energy

Debate.Energy is both a platform and a magazine that celebrates opinions and loves facts. Since April 2020, it has provided scientists, experts and company representatives, politicians and observers with a stage where they can present their views on one of the most important issues of our time: the future of energy. In addition, articles, podcasts and videos describe the answers that are already available today to the question of how the world can be sustainably supplied with energy tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Debate.Energy researches without prejudice and with curiosity - and thus wants to take our readers an important step forward .

About Uniper

Uniper is a leading international energy company with around 11,500 employees and activities in more than 40 countries. With about 34 GW of installed generation capacity, Uniper is among the largest global power generators. Its main activities include power generation in Europe and Russia as well as global energy trading, including a diversified gas portfolio that makes Uniper one of Europe's leading gas companies. In 2019, Uniper sold a gas volume of 220 bcm. The company is headquartered in Dusseldorf, being the third-largest listed German utility. Under its new strategy, Uniper aims to become carbon-neutral in Europe by 2035.

About Civey

Civey is the market and technology leader for digital market and opinion research in Germany. With its innovative survey method and the self-learning algorithm developed in-house, clients receive reliable data on personal attitudes, consumption, advertising impact and reputation around the clock. The size of the panel not only enables clients to collect representative data very quickly, but also gives them the opportunity to reach very specific target groups for the first time. Civey reaches its users monthly on more than 25,000 websites, including DER SPIEGEL, WELT and

About Boma

Boma helps organizations and businesses become sustainable through intelligent and ethical leadership. The Boma team has over 20 years of experience in organising international events (such as TEDx and Singularity University) and training, and brings together a global ecosystem of speakers, experts, coaches and facilitators. Boma inspires, educates and transforms.

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