The market of payment cards is rich enough for today. The majority of citizens, among whom there are government officials, employees of companies of different levels, small and medium entrepreneurs, use bank payment, credit and social cards. Moreover, in the country there is a set of technical backup and software for the execution of noncash payments by citizens.

B.V. Tymonkin, the CEO of PJSC "Ukrsotsbank", which operates under the UniCredit Bank trade mark, when characterizing the market of cash and noncash payments, said the following concerning the situation: "It is necessary to stimulate installations of POS-terminals by using the European experience. For example, in Italy, the maximal payment sum in cash amounts to 1 thousand EUR, all the rest of payments are executed noncash. Taking into account that at the internal market the level of prices for the majority of goods is close to the world ones, it would have been reasonable to fix the maximal sum of cash payments in Ukraine in the amount of 10 thousand UAH. We know that an ordinary citizen does not pay a number of payments for more than 10 thousand UAH every day, so for the majority this limitation will not cause any problems".

However, according to the famous banker, B.V. Tymonkin, the biggest part of market subjects aim at working with only cash in order to minimize the volumes of paid taxes. "It is known that around 300 national companies fill the state's budget for 90%. Small and medium businesses work mostly for themselves, but with annual turnover up to 1 million UAH to pay annual tax in the amount of 3 000 UAH - this is simply not serious".

Besides, recently NBU has announced its intentions to create a national payment system, which caused some resonance in banking sector of the state, as some of market participants considered uncompetitive an idea of such system. Nevertheless, B.V. Tymonkin, the CEO of PJSC "Ukrsotsbank", which operates under the UniCredit Bank trade mark, assures: "The regulator in such a case would be a monopolist, but a positive one. I do not have any cautions that such monopolism at the market of noncash payments could lead to negative consequences".

Such views to the market of cash and noncash payments B.V. Tymonkin expressed during the interview to the official periodic issue of the National Bank of Ukraine, "Vestnik NBU". The full version of an article you may view in "Vestnik NBU"

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