Date:   January 2015

Name of applicant:                      UBM plc

Name of scheme:                         Various company share schemes

Period of return:            From:      1 July 2014   To: 31 December 2014

Balance under scheme from previous      1,735,536

The amount by which the block scheme    Nil
has been increased, if the scheme has
been increased since the date of the
last return:

Number of securities issued/allotted    78,818
under scheme during period:

Balance under scheme not yet issued/    1,656,718
allotted at end of period

Number and class of securities          3,770,000 ordinary shares of 10p on 1
originally listed and the date of       July 2008

Total number of securities in issue at  442,652,520
the end of the period

Name of contact:                        Matthew Loosley

Address of contact:                     Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road,
                                        London, SE1 9UY

Telephone number of contact:            0207 921 5062

SIGNED BY   Mark Peters

[DEL:Director:DEL]/company secretary/[DEL:suitably experienced employee/duly
authorised officer:DEL],

for and on behalf of

                        UBM plc

Name of applicant

If you knowingly or recklessly give false or misleading information you may be
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