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The Board is pleased to announce that the Great Prosper Acquisition, the Tysan Building Construction Disposal, the Tysan Foundation (Hong Kong) Disposal and the Tysan Trading Disposal have completed.

Reference is made to the Notice of SGM and the circular of the Company (the "SGM Circular") both dated 25 November 2013 and the announcement of the poll results of the SGM dated 16 December 2013. Unless otherwise specified, terms used in this announcement shall have the meanings as defined in the SGM Circular.
The board of directors of the Company (the "Board") of Tysan Holdings Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce that in the week ended 17 January 2014, completions of the Great Prosper Acquisition, the Tysan Building Construction Disposal, the Tysan Foundation (Hong Kong) Disposal and the Tysan Trading Disposal have taken place. As a result:-
(a) Great Prosper is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company;
(b) the Company no longer has any shareholding interest in Tysan Building
Construction and Tysan Trading; and
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(c) the Company's shareholding interest in Tysan Foundation (Hong Kong) has been reduced from 100% to 60% and, with effect from completion of the Tysan Foundation (Hong Kong) Disposal on 17 January 2014, the Company has also entered into the Shareholders' Agreement and the Deed of Counter-Indemnity with Mr. Fung Chiu Chak, Victor, a Director.
By Order of the Board Tysan Holdings Limited Wong Suk Han, Kitty

Company Secretary

Hong Kong, 17 January 2014

As at the date of this announcement, the executive Directors are Mr. Francis Cheung; Mr. Fung Chiu Chak, Victor; Miss Jennifer Kwok; Mr. Chiu Chin Hung; Mr. Lau Kin Fai and Mr. Harvey Jackel Cheung; and the independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Fan Chor Ho; Mr. Tse Man Bun, Mr. Lung Chee Ming, George and Mr. Li Kit Chee.

Company website: www.tysan.com
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