Tyler Technologies, Inc. announced the city of Edina, Minnesota, has successfully gone live with Tyler's Enterprise Environmental Health (EEH) solution. The city's previous solution was customized for their Environmental Health licensing and inspection needs, but it was isolated from other city software systems and required many manual steps to complete specific actions. As an existing client with finance, human resources, and 9-1-1 dispatch already using Tyler products, the public health division was interested in being able to connect additional Tyler products within the city.

Edina Public Health is also responsible for code enforcement, and since EEH is built into Tyler's Enterprise Permitting & Licensing platform, it will improve record-keeping and communication throughout the entire code case/complaint process, creating further operational efficiencies. Tyler's EEH solution has brought several benefits and new capabilities to the city, including: Improved business workflows by allowing staff to manage operational permit licensing and renewal cycles, recurring inspection cycles, and complaints in a single location with ease and automation; Ability to report and query licensing data; Easy management of many operational permits for a single business in one place via an online portal, including online payment; Ability to route certain complaints to the city's Race and Equity Manager, so they can be appropriately involved in responses; Automated emails to business owners for application receipt, invoicing, renewals, license expiration, and the ability to create automations as needed. The city of Edina is located in Hennepin County and is a suburb of Minneapolis.

It has a population of roughly 53,000.