From: TVN S.A.
Issued on: January 8, 2015
Subject: Sale transactions of the shares of TVN S.A. by a person from the managerial level of the Company, who has a constant access to the confidential information and is competent to take decisions on the development and perspectives of the Company.
Current report no.4/2015
The Management Board of TVN S.A. (the "Company")reports hereby, that it was informed that a person from the managerial level of the Company, who has a constant access to the confidential information and is competent to take decisions on the development and perspectives of the Company on January 5, 2015 sold 1,965 shares of TVN S.A. at a price of PL 17.10 per share during session transaction.
Legal basis: § 160 sec. 4 of Act of trading in financial instruments
Signed by:
Markus Tellenbach
President of the Management Board
John Driscoll
Vice President of the Management Board, CFO

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