4 December 2014

KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT (hereinafter referred to as KHARTSYZSK PIPE) of Metinvest Group provided Makeevka Production Department of Water and Sewage Utilities of ME "Water of Donbass" with pipes for "Olkhovaya-Khartsyzsk" drinking-water pipeline repair on a free-of-charge basis. The amount of support was approximately UAH 300 thous.

At the end of the summer as a result of shelling the water main, serving Khartsyzsk with drinking water, was damaged in Lipovo settlement. The workers found the almost completely destroyed water pipe at the accident site. The shell hit in the place of the water pipeline laying. Due to pipes damage nearby houses were partially flooded. Because of the direct hit the town was without water for a few days.

The repair service of "Water of Donbass" company eliminated the most catastrophic damages by its own efforts. However, it needed new pipes for water pipeline reliable operation, which were not available. Specialists of ME "Water of Donbass" turned to KHARTSYZSK PIPE for help. Understanding the complexity of the current situation and necessity to provide the residents with stable water supply KHARTSYZSK PIPE came forward promptly. The company delivered 11 steel pipes with the length of 130 linear meters and the total weight of almost 24 tons on a non-repayable basis. These pipes will be the part of the renewed waterway.

The Head of ME "Water of Donbass" Oleg Venzhega explains that it will take approximately two weeks to replace the damaged section. "The water pipeline "Olkhovaya-Khartsyzsk" plays a significant role in the communications system of the town, that's why water pipes replacement is the matter of the first importance. We must provide the continuous supply of water to residential places of Khartsyzsk". 

Thanks to pipes of KHARTSYZSK PIPE more than 75 thousands of Khartsyzsk, Zuevka and Gornoe residents will be provided with timely and high-quality water supply.

"Now when the military actions calmed down a little we have the opportunity to perform works without delay. Staff of the repair service try to complete the reconstruction by the scheduled date. Works are performed by our own efforts without the involvement of third-party organizations. But it would be impossible without the pipes of KHARTSYZSK PIPE PLANT. KHARTSYZSK PIPE has rendered the invaluable help to the town once again and we thank it very much for it!", - Oleg Venzhega has said. 

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