Trimantium GrowthOps Limited (‘the Company’ or ‘GrowthOps’) announced that Executive Director ­ Technology and Cyber Security, Craig Davies has resigned from his executive role with the company and effective 26 June 2020, will commence as a Non-Executive Director on the GrowthOps board of directors. Mr. Davies first joined the board and was appointed Executive Director ­ Technology and Cyber Security on 13 October 2019. His transition to Non-Executive Director follows the appointment and embedding of a new board and management, implementation of a new structure, and refinement and stabilisation of the company's strategy and core offering, including technology. GrowthOps technology practice will continue to be led by Technology Practice Leader, Armin Kroll, with the Company's day-to-day operational technology requirements now overseen by Chief Operating Officer, Monika Kwiatkowski.