Trident Texofab Limited announced that at its Board Meeting held on August 10, 2023, approved the reconstitution of various committees of the Board with immediate effect as under: Reconstitution of the Audit Committee by inducting Mr. Misha! Shailesh Patel, Independent Director as new Member of the Committee. Post reconstitution, the composition of the Audit Committee shall be as under: Ankita Iigncsh Saraiya as Chairperson, Natasha Karbhari, Manish Dhirajlal Halwawala, Dr. Misha!

Shailesh Patel as members. Reconstitution of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee by inducting Mr. Mishal Shailesh Patel, Independent Director as new Member of the Committee. Post reconstitution, the composition of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall be as under: Ankita [ignesh Saraiya as Chairperson, Natasha Karbhari, Dr. Misha!

Shailcsh Patel as members, Reconstitution of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee by inducting Mr. Misha! Shailesh Patel, Independent Director as new Member of the Committee. Post reconstitution, the composition of the Stakeholders Relationship Committee shall be as under: Ankita [igncsh Saraiva as Chairperson, Natasha Karbhari as member, Manish Dhirajlal Halwawaia as Member and Dr. Misha!

Shailesh Patel as Member.