23 January 2014
The Manager
Company Announcements Office
ASX Limited
Exchange Centre
20 Bridge Street
Dear Sir/Madam

Barrick Gold Corporation's Sale of the East Kundana Joint Venture and Kanowna Belle

Barrick Gold Corporation (Barrick) today notified Tribune Resources Ltd (Tribune) that it has reached an agreement to divest its interest in the Kanowna Belle and Kundana mine operations to Northern Star Resources Ltd (ASX: NST). This includes Barrick's interest in Gilt‐Edged Mining NL (the company that owns 51% of the East Kundana Joint Venture). Tribune's share of the East Kundana Joint Venture is 36.75%.
The transaction is expected to be completed in March, 2014.
Tribune expects to share the same professional and profitable relationship with Northern Star as the company has experienced with Barrick.
References to the East Kundana Joint Venture have been made in a presentation released today by Northern Star Resources Ltd. Upon receipt of this updated data from Barrick, Tribune will review and make ASX announcements accordingly. In the meantime shareholders can visit www.nsrltd.comto view the presentation.
Yours faithfully
Tribune Resources Ltd

Anton Billis

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