1.Date of occurrence of the event:2013/01/23

2.For any company to which the amount of monetary loans

  extended reaches 20 percent or more than the company's 

  net worth on the financial statements for the most 

  recent period, the name of the recipient company,

  the relationship with the Company, ceiling amount on the 

  monetary loans, total extended amount of loans and the reason 

  for loans as of the date of occurrence of the event:

The name of the recipient company: TPK Glass Solutions

(Xiamen) Inc.

The relationship with the Company: subsidiary

Ceiling amount on the monetary loans: NTD23,171,516 thousands

Total extended amount of loans: NTD2,323,200 thousands

The reason for loans:  Capital Expenditure Requirement

3.The Company's total amount of monetary loans extended

as of the date of occurrence of the event:

NTD 18,446,208 thousands

4.The ratio of the total amount of monetary loans extended 

to the Company's net worth on its most recent financial 

statements as of the date of occurrence of the event:


5.Sources of funds to extend monetary loans to others:

Ray-Star Technology (Xiamen) Inc.'s owned revenue

6.Any other matters that need to be specified:

This announcement is made in accordance with article 2

paragraph 23.

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