Rovi Corporation at CES 2013 is showcasing new and in-market solutions designed to connect consumers to great digital entertainment experiences anywhere they choose. Building upon its deep expertise in digital entertainment discovery, delivery, display and monetization, Rovi is paving the way for a new generation of IP-based video services that it has coined 'Entertainment Unbound'. A natural evolution to TV Everywhere and Multi-Screen Video initiatives, Entertainment Unbound aims to define a next-generation entertainment experience that supports broader device access, more content choices and an array of consumption models.

Importantly, Entertainment Unbound also describes an enhanced entertainment experience that is optimized for the viewing environment, as well as the individual tastes and needs of the user. Rovi's show news and demonstrations reflect the company's continued efforts to connect people to great digital entertainment experiences by: Streamlining Content Access; Improving Video Quality; Advancing Multi-Screen Interactivity; Monetization Opportunities.