Tianjin TEDA Biomedical Engineering Company Limited has accepted the resignation of Mr. Liu Renmu, an executive Director with effect from 20 September 2018. The board proposed to appoint Mr. He Xin as an executive Director for a term commencing on the date of approval by the shareholders and expiring on 31 December 2019. Mr. Liu Renmu tendered a written notice to resign as an executive Director of the company due to his busy schedule in other business which makes him no longer possible to spend sufficient time on the business of the company. He Xin, postgraduate, graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University majoring in Mechanical Engineering. From March 2014 to August 2016, he held positions as a director and a general manager of Ningxia Yinggu Industry Company Limited. From August 2016 to present, he has been serving as a general manager of Beijing Yingguxinye Investment Co. Ltd.