Tianjin Pharmaceutical Da Ren Tang Group Corporation Limited approved the proposed appointment of Mr. Yeo Guat Kwang as an Independent Director of the Company with effect from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting. Mr. Yeo, who has been appointed as an Independent Director of the Company, will be appointed as a member of the Audit Committee. Mr. Yeo considered by the Board to be independent for the purposes of Rule 704(8) of the Listing Manual.

Consequently, the composition of the Board shall be as follows: Audit Committee: Chairman: Mr. Liew Yoke Pheng Joseph, Members: Ms. Li Qing, Mr. Yeo Guat Kwang. Nomination Committee:, Chairman: Ms. Li Qing, Members: Mr. Guo Min, Mr. Yeo Guat Kwang. Remuneration Committee: Chairman: Mr. Yeo Guat Kwang, Members: Ms. Mao Weiwen, Mr. Liew Yoke Pheng Joseph.

Strategy Committee:, Chairman: Ms. Zhang Mingrui, Members: Mr. Guo Min, Ms. Wang Lei.