The Pepsi Bottling Group (NYSE: PBG) has been awarded the C. Everett Koop National Health Award for its comprehensive employee wellness program, ?Healthy Living?. The Koop Award, named after the former U.S. Surgeon General, is the most prestigious award for health improvement programs, requiring strong documentation of both health improvement and cost savings. PBG was one of only two programs to win the award for 2007.

?We are very proud to receive this recognition for our Healthy Living Program,? said Eric J. Foss, President and CEO. ?We take our health and wellness initiatives very seriously. Our goal is to build a culture of health and wellness at PBG ? it's the right thing to do for our employees and their families. We also believe it provides PBG with a competitive advantage in the marketplace.?

According to Dr. James Fries, Chair of the Koop Award Selection Task Force, ?The underlying goals of our award program are to provide the public with convincing evidence that health improvement programs can work, and to indicate that PBG's program is doing sound and effective work at the very cutting edge of excellence.?

Among PBG's Healthy Living initiatives are comprehensive preventative benefits, on-site medical screenings, data driven lifestyle management programs, an innovative global flu shot campaign, local wellness champions and on-site medical clinics at many of its locations run in partnership with Johns Hopkins University. PBG's Healthy Living Program incorporates multi-media campaigns, incentives for participation and targeted outreach to at-risk employees. PBG also has several additional pilot programs underway focused on improving health status and building personal responsibility of health at the worksite.

Dr. Koop will present the award to PBG at the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) Conference in New Orleans on October 2, 2007.

About PBG:

The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. ( is the world's largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages. With more than 70,000 employees and sales of nearly $13 billion, PBG has operations in the U.S., Canada, Greece, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and Turkey. For more information go to

About the Award:

Since 1994, the C. Everett Koop Award has recognized worksite, community and provider programs that demonstrate success in promoting better health among individuals while reducing medical costs. The award is named for the former U.S. Surgeon General, who serves as current chairman of the award's sponsor, The Health Project, a non-profit private-public consortium dedicated to those goals. Past recipients of the Koop Award include Motorola, Citibank, Union Pacific, Caterpillar, Daimler-Chrysler, CIGNA, Texas Instruments and Johnson & Johnson.

The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc.
Mary Winn Settino
Investor and Public Relations