A new survey released by TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation (NASDAQ: AMTD) has found that more than half (56 percent) of Americans surveyed report they would have done things differently in terms of how they managed their money if they could go back to the time before the recession of 2008-2009.

More specifically, those surveyed report that in retrospect they would have done the following prior to the recent recession:

  • 71 percent report they would have spent less and saved more
  • 65 percent report they would have lived within their means
  • 60 percent report they would have taken more personal responsibility for managing their money

Survey participants also admitted they relied on credit cards frequently and allowed their debts to mount, with 60 percent reporting if they could go back in time they would have paid down debt and 50 percent reporting they would have paid for purchases in cash instead of credit cards.

?Americans seem to have been taken off-guard financially with the downturn of the economy. And while it has been a tough lesson to learn, it's a promising sign that we're acknowledging what went wrong, particularly as we approach a new year,? said Stuart Rubinstein, managing director of client engagement at TD Ameritrade. ?The recession can be considered a teachable moment that served as an eye-opening catalyst for change in terms of financial preparedness, and the research suggests it's turning out to be just that.?

The overall lifestyle for families also took a hit in recent years, as the survey found many were forced to delay big ticket expenditures and alter their savings habits. Among those surveyed:

  • 36 percent delayed travel
  • 25 percent delayed purchasing a car
  • 25 percent delayed paying down debt
  • 21 percent delayed saving and investing in general
  • 17 percent delayed saving and investing for retirement

And it doesn't seem these items will be a priority for some time, as 44 percent of those surveyed reported it would likely be one to three years before they could pursue the things they put off during the recession.

?While delaying larger discretionary expenditures, such as travel or a new car, may make financial sense during challenging times, long-term savings should remain a priority,? said Rubinstein. ?Even if you are saving smaller amounts, that's better than not saving at all. The key is to stay focused on your goals and continue to act on that which is still within your control.?

Investors seeking a self-directed approach to getting their long-term financial plans on track in 2011 are encouraged to visit TD Ameritrade's Web site for more information. TD Ameritrade offers investors a variety of retirement resources and online tools & calculators to help make the planning process easier. For investors needing added guidance in achieving their long-term investment goals, TD Ameritrade's Amerivest Guided Portfolios may be just what they need to take control of their financial future. For professional money management and financial planning assistance, TD Ameritrade's AdvisorDirect? service can refer investors to a knowledgeable, independent Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) who can help them pursue their investment goals.*

For more information, visit http://www.tdameritrade.com/welcome4.html.


About the Survey

These results are based on a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation. One thousand eighty-eight (1,088) adults between 22 and 80 years old participated in an online survey conducted September 28, 2010, through October 19, 2010. The margin of error in this survey is ±3.0 percentage points. This means that in 19 cases out of 20, survey results based on 1,088 respondents will differ by no more than 3.0 percentage points in either direction from what would have been obtained by seeking the opinions of all adults living in the United States age 22 through 80. Harris Interactive and TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation are separate, unaffiliated companies and are not responsible for each other's products and services.

About Harris Interactive

Harris Interactive is a global leader in custom market research with offices in North America, Europe and Asia. For more information, please visit www.harrisinteractive.com.

About TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation

TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation (NASDAQ: AMTD), through its brokerage subsidiaries,1 combines innovative trading technology, easy-to-use-and-understand trading tools, investment services, investor education and superior client service to create a market-leading financial services experience. Now home to the award-winning thinkorswim trading technology2 and the Investools investor education program, TD Ameritrade provides millions of retail investors, traders and independent Registered Investment Advisors with the tools, service and support they need to help build confidence in today's rapidly changing market environment. For more information and resources for journalists, please visit the TD Ameritrade newsroom at www.amtd.com.

1. TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA (www.finra.org)/SIPC (www.sipc.org)/NFA (www.nfa.futures.org), TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC.

2. thinkorswim, prior to joining TD Ameritrade, earned 4.9 stars, the top score, in the category ?Trading Technology,? and was rated #1 overall online broker in Barron's ranking of online brokers, 3/15/2010. thinkorswim was evaluated versus others in eight total categories, including trade experience, trading technology, usability, range of offerings, research amenities, portfolio analysis and reporting, customer service and education and costs. thinkorswim topped the list in 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010 with the highest weighted-average score. Barron's is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company © 2006-2010.

Amerivest Guided Portfolios is a discretionary advisory service. Amerivest is an investment advisory service of Amerivest Investment Management, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor. Brokerage services provided by

TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC/NFA. Amerivest Investment Management, LLC and TD Ameritrade, Inc. are both wholly owned subsidiaries of TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation. Amerivest is a trademark of

TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. Amerivest provides non-discretionary and discretionary advisory services for a fee. Risks applicable to any portfolio are those associated with its underlying securities. For more information please see the Amerivest Disclosure Brochure (ADV Part II) http://www.tdameritrade.com/forms/TDA4855.pdf.

*Potential AdvisorDirect clients should typically have at least $200,000 in assets to invest. Some RIAs have higher or lower minimum asset requirements. There is no charge or obligation for the initial consultation with the RIA. Once you select an RIA, you will pay advisory fees and standard brokerage fees. Brokerage transactions executed through TD Ameritrade are subject to standard transaction charges. You should review an RIA's Form ADV, other applicable advisor disclosure document(s) and the AdvisorDirect Disclosure and Acknowledgement Document prior to engaging an RIA. The Form ADV contains important disclosure information relative to an RIA's services and fees. RIAs charge an ongoing investment advisory fee for their services. RIAs will pay TD Ameritrade fees for their participation in the AdvisorDirect program. Those fees will usually constitute a percentage of the advisory fees you will pay your RIA. For additional details about the fees paid to TD Ameritrade and other conflicts of interest, please review the AdvisorDirect Disclosure and Acknowledgement Document and ask your RIA about its specific arrangement with TD Ameritrade. You are solely responsible for evaluating any advisor that you are considering. Please note: Under no circumstances should participation by a certain RIA in AdvisorDirect be considered an endorsement or recommendation by TD Ameritrade for that particular RIA.

TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation
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