Tauriga Sciences, Inc. announced that it will launch an E-Commerce site to coincide with the commercial launch of its Cannabis/CBD infused chewing gum product line. The Company anticipates that is commercial product launch will take place on or around March 1, 2019. The company has, thus far, mainly focused its sales strategy on distributors and large potential retail customers. From a strategic standpoint, the Company has decided to proceed with the construction and launch of a dedicated E-Commerce site for the sale of its CBD Gum. This website will be constructed under the following URL address: www.taurigum.com. The Company plans to set aside 1,200 individual CBD Gum packs, out of a total of 8,700 Units (the initial production run), for fulfillment of customer orders that transact through this above-referenced E-Commerce site. The company is presently assembling the infrastructure to efficiently process E-Commerce based customer orders and expects to hit the ground running with respect to this initiative. Lastly, the company will accept minimum customer order(s) of 1 Unit per order and expects the pricing (per Unit) to be set at the following: $17.99 per Unit (this is subject to change based on market conditions).