20 January 2014

                          TANGIERS PETROLEUM LIMITED

             Recommended Takeover Offer by Tangiers for Jacka

The Directors of Tangiers Petroleum Limited ("Tangiers" or the "Company")
advise that the Bidder's Statement and Target Statement ("Statements") have
been lodged with ASIC and released to ASX. A copy of the full Statements,
including the diagrams referred to in the text is available on the Company's
website at www.tangierspetroleum.com

Set out below is the key information presented in the Statements.

                                Key Offer Dates

Date of Bidder's Statement - 20 January 2014

Date of Offers - 4 February 2014

Offer closes (unless extended or withdrawn - 7.00pm (Sydney time) on 18 March

                          Summary of the Offers Terms

What Tangiers is  Tangiers is offering to buy all Jacka Shares, including Jacka
offering to buy   Shares that are issued during the Offer Period whether due to
                  the conversion of Jacka Listed Options or otherwise, on the
                  terms set out in this Bidder's Statement.

                  Tangiers is also offering to buy all Jacka Listed Options.

                  You may only accept the Share Offer in respect of all the
                  Jacka Shares held by you.

                  You may only accept the Option Offer in respect of all the
                  Jacka Listed Options held by you.

What you will     If you accept the Share Offer, subject to the satisfaction or
receive if you    waiver of the conditions to the Share Offer, for every 1 of
accept the Share  Your Shares, you will receive 0.468 Tangiers Shares.

What you will     If you accept the Option Offer, subject to the satisfaction
receive if you    or waiver of the conditions to the Option Offer, for every 1
accept the Option of Your Options, you will receive 0.468 Tangiers Options
Offer             (with an exercise price of $0.75 and an expiry date of 1
                  February 2015).

When you will     Generally, Tangiers will issue the Tangiers Securities to you
receive the       under the Offers on or before the earlier of:
Securities          * one month after these Offers are accepted or one month
                      after all of the conditions have been freed or fulfilled
                      (whichever is the later); and

                    * 21 days after the end of the Offer Period.

                  Full details of when consideration will be provided are set
                  out in clauses 12.6 and 13.6 of this Bidder's Statement.

Will you need to  If your Jacka Securities are registered in an Issuer
pay brokerage or  Sponsored Holding in your name and you deliver them directly
stamp duty on     to Tangiers, you will not incur any brokerage fees or be
acceptances?      obliged to pay stamp duty in connection with your acceptance
                  of the Offer.

                  If your Jacka Securities are registered in a CHESS Holding,
                  or if you are a beneficial owner whose Jacka Securities are
                  registered in the name of a broker, bank, custodian, or other
                  nominee, you will not be obliged to pay stamp duty by
                  accepting the Offers, but you should ask your Controlling
                  Participant (usually your broker) or that nominee whether it
                  will charge any transactional fees or service charges in
                  connection with acceptance of the Offers.

                  If you are a Foreign Securityholder, brokerage will be
                  payable in respect of the Tangiers Shares and Tangiers
                  Options sold under the nominee facility and will be deducted
                  from the proceeds of sale.

Broker handling   Tangiers may offer to pay a commission to brokers who solicit
fees              acceptances of the Offers from their clients, but has made no
                  final decision in relation to the matter at this stage. See
                  section 11.2 for further information.

Close of the      The Offers close at 7.00pm (Sydney time) on 18 March 2014,
Offers            unless it is extended as permitted by the Corporations Act.

There are some    The Share Offer is subject to the following key conditions:
conditions to the
Share Offer         * no material adverse change;

                    * a minimum acceptance condition of 90% of the Jacka Shares
                      and 53% of the aggregate of the Jacka Listed Options and
                      the Jacka Unlisted Options; and

                    * absence of `prescribed occurrences'.

                  The full set of conditions of the Share Offer and their full
                  terms are set out in clause 12.8 of this Bidder's Statement.

There are some    The Option Offer is subject to the following key conditions:
conditions to the
Option Offer        * no material adverse change in Jacka;

                    * a minimum acceptance condition of 90% of the Jacka Shares
                      and 53% of the aggregate of the Jacka Listed Options and
                      the Jacka Unlisted Options; and

                    * absence of `prescribed occurrences'.

                  The full set of conditions of the Option Offer and their full
                  terms are set out in clause 13.8 of this Bidder's Statement.

What happens if   If the conditions of the Offers are not satisfied or waived
the conditions of by the closing date, the Offers will lapse and your
the Offers are    acceptance will be void.
not satisfied or

Share Offer in    Optionholders who hold Jacka Options (being Jacka Listed
respect of        Options or Jacka Unlisted Options) and whose Options are
converted Jacka   converted into Jacka Shares during the Offer Period, will be
Options           able to accept the Share Offer in respect of the Jacka Shares
                  which they are issued.

                  The final date for converting Jacka Options into Jacka Shares
                  in order to participate in the Share Offer is 5 March 2014
                  unless the Offer Period is extended under the Corporations

How you accept    You may only accept the Share Offer for all Your Shares and
the Offers        the Option Offer for all Your Options.

                  Issuer sponsored security holders

                  If your Jacka Securities are registered in an Issuer
                  Sponsored Holding (such holdings will be evidenced by an `I'
                  appearing next to your holder number on the accompanying
                  Acceptance Form), to accept the Offers, you must complete and
                  sign the Acceptance Form accompanying this Bidder's Statement
                  and return it in the supplied envelope or post it to the
                  address specified on the form so that it is received before
                  the Offers close.

                  CHESS security holders

                  If your Jacka Securities are registered in a CHESS Holding
                  (such holdings will be evidenced by an `X' appearing next to
                  your holder number on the accompanying Acceptance Form), you
                  may accept the Offers by either:

                    * completing and signing the Acceptance Form accompanying
                      this Bidder's Statement and returning it in the supplied
                      envelope to the address specified on the form; or

                    * instructing your Controlling Participant (normally your
                      broker) to accept the Offers on your behalf,

                  in sufficient time for it to be processed before the Offers


                  If you are a Participant, acceptance of the Offers must be
                  initiated in accordance with Rule 14.14 of the ASX Settlement
                  Operating Rules before the Offers close.

                  Full details on how to accept the Share Offer are set out in
                  clause 12.3 of this Bidder's Statement.

                  Full details on how to accept the Option Offer are set out in
                  clause 13.3 of this Bidder's Statement.

Can you accept    No. You cannot accept for part of your holding. You can only
the Offers for    accept the Share Offer for ALL of Your Shares and accept the
part of your      Option Offer for ALL of Your Options.

What if you are a Jacka Foreign Securityholders, being Jacka Securityholders
Foreign           with a registered address outside of Australia and its
Securityholder    external territories or New Zealand, that accept the Offers
                  will not receive Tangiers Shares or Tangiers Options. Rather,
                  the Tangiers Shares and Tangiers Options that Foreign
                  Securityholders would have been entitled to receive will be
                  issued to, and sold by, a Nominee and the net proceeds
                  attributable to each Foreign Securityholder will be paid to
                  them by cheque in Australian dollars drawn on an Australian
                  bank account.

                  Foreign Securityholders should read clauses 12.7 and 13.7
                  which provide further information on Foreign Securityholders
                  and the Nominee sale process.

What happens if   You will remain a Jacka Securityholder and will not receive
you do not accept the consideration under the Offers. If Tangiers becomes
the Offers        entitled to compulsorily acquire your Jacka Securities, it
                  intends to proceed with the compulsory acquisition.

Where to go for   For queries on how to accept the Offers, see the enclosed
further           Acceptance Form or call the Tangiers Offers Information Line
information       on 1300 453 060 or +61 3 9415 4040.

                  For queries in relation to your Jacka shareholding or option
                  holding, call Jacka Securityholder Information Line on 1300
                  433 306 between 9.00am and 5.00pm (Perth time).

                  For all other queries in relation to the Offers, please
                  contact the Tangiers Offers Information Line on 1300 453 060
                  or +61 3 9415 4040.

                  Please note that any calls to the above numbers may be
                  recorded. Inquiries in relation to the Offers will not be
                  received on any other telephone numbers of Tangiers or its

Important notice  The information in this clause 1 is a summary only of
                  Tangiers' Offers and is qualified by the detailed information
                  set out elsewhere in this Bidder's Statement.

                  You should read the entire Bidder's Statement and the
                  Target's Statement that Jacka sends to you, before deciding
                  whether to accept the Offers.

                            Profile of the Merged Group

Corporate activities and strategy

If Tangiers acquires all Jacka Shares on issue, the Merged Group will provide
shareholders with a diversified international oil and gas group with potential
for significant growth resulting in economic benefits which may not be
available to either Tangiers or Jacka as stand-alone entities.

The Merged Group aims to continue to build an African focused exploration and
production company that delivers material value to its shareholders and
contributes to the development of the countries in which it works.

It intends to achieve this by building a portfolio of assets with a balance of
low risk, moderate reward exploration, development or production opportunities
and higher risk, large exploration potential in shallow water and onshore

The opportunities the Merged Group will seek will be based on robust technical
evaluation together with informed socio-political decisions and cultural
sensitivity in business relationships.

The Merged Group will have a stronger financial position with an unaudited pro
forma cash position of approximately $7 million (before payment of transaction
costs of $1.94 million and repayment of Jacka's short term loan facility of
$1.7 million) as at 31 December 2013 and the portfolio of oil and gas assets of
each of the separate entities.

Further funding is likely to be required to advance the projects of the Merged
Group. The Merged Group is likely to raise additional equity capital as
appropriate. Tangiers believes it has sufficient working capital to carry out
the Merged Group's objectives in the short term.

The retention of Jacka's existing interests in Somaliland, Nigeria and Tunisia
may, in some cases, be subject to the consent of its joint venture partners or
governmental departments to the change of control of Jacka. Further information
on these consents are set out in section 9.2(c) of this Bidder's Statement.

A pro forma table of the material project interests that would be held by the
Merged Group is as follows:

Country     Block /     Interest        Joint Venture     Operator   Stage
            Licence                     Partners

Morocco     Tarfaya     25%             Galp (50%)        Galp       Exploration
            Block                       ONHYM (25%)

Tunisia     Bargou      15%             Cooper Energy     Cooper     Exploration &
            (offshore)                  (15%)                        Appraisal

                                        Dragon Oil (55%)

Nigeria     Aje Field   5%              YFP (25%)         YFP        Exploration,
            (offshore)  (revenue                                     Appraisal, &
                        interest)       EER (16.9%)                  Development
                                        FHN (16.9%)

                                        New Age (24%)

                                        Panoro (12.2%)

Somaliland  Odewayne    15% (subject
            (onshore)   to completion   Petrosoma (10%)   Genel      Exploration
                        of farmout
                        agreement       Genel Energy
                        with Sterling   (50%)
                        (option to      Sterling Energy
                        20%)            (25%)

Tanzania    Ruhuhu      100%            -                 Jacka      Exploration


  * The interests stated are after completion of any announced farm-in

  * Interest percentages have been rounded.

  * The Australian interests of both Tangiers and Jacka are not included as
    they are intended to be cancelled or relinquished or are otherwise not
    considered material.

  * Other than as referred to elsewhere in this Bidder's Statement, the
    acquisition of Jacka is not expected to have a material effect on the
    existing assets and operations of Tangiers.

Ownership of Merged Group

If all existing Jacka Shareholders accept the Share Offer (excluding any Jacka
Shares issued on exercise of Jacka Options on issue) there will be 331,035,210
Tangiers Shares on issue, of which 156,455,990 Tangiers Shares will be held by
Jacka Shareholders. This equates to a percentage of 47%. On a fully diluted
basis, if all Jacka Optionholders accept the Option Offer and the Tangiers
Options received as consideration were all exercised, there would be
401,477,497 Tangiers Shares on issue of which 196,423,190 Tangiers Shares will
be held by Jacka Shareholders. This equates to a percentage of 49%.

Based on the current holdings in each of Jacka and Tangiers, there is no
scenario in which any one holder of Tangiers Shares will have voting power of
more than 20% of the Merged Group. Furthermore, there would be no Significant
Shareholders (as defined in the AIM Rules for Companies) in the Merged Group,
as no one holder would hold over 3% of the Tangiers Shares on issue.

As at the date of this Bidder's Statement, a pro forma list of the Merged
Group's top 20 shareholders is set out below:

      Shareholder                                       No of        Percentage
                                                        Tangiers     of total
                                                        Shares       Tangiers
                                                                     Shares (%)

1     CITICORP NOMINEES PTY LIMITED                        9,064,601       2.74

2     MERRILL LYNCH (AUSTRALIA) NOMINEES PTY LTD           7,617,563       2.30

3     HSBC CUSTODY NOMINEES (AUSTRALIA)                    7,008,094       2.12

4     ABLETT PTY LTD (DAVID EDWARDS FAMILY A/C)            6,550,000       1.98

5     AUSTRALIAN GLOBAL CAPITAL PTY LTD                    6,085,509       1.84

6     PENINSULA INVESTMENTS (WA) PTY LTD                   5,475,000       1.65

7     MARFORD GROUP PTY LTD                                4,738,365       1.43

8     JP MORGAN NOMINEES AUSTRALIA                         3,890,581       1.18

9     WILLOWDALE HOLDINGS PTY LTD                          3,299,400       1.00

10    BARCLAYSHARE NOMINEES LIMITED                        3,224,364       0.97

11    PHANTOM WA PTY LTD (KIRKHAM FAMILY A/C)              3,142,165       0.95

12    HARGREAVES LANSDOWN (NOMINEES) LIMITED (15942)       2,828,244       0.85

13    EKCO INVESTMENTS PTY LTD                             2,779,900       0.84

14    HARGREAVES LANSDOWN (NOMINEES) LIMITED (VRA)         2,691,617       0.81

      S/F A/C)


17    MULATO NOMINEES PTY LTD                              2,564,451       0.77

18    TD DIRECT INVESTING NOMINEES (EUROPE) LIMITED        2,390,761       0.72

19    MR JASWINDER SINGH TAKHAR                            2,246,400       0.68

20    HARGREAVES LANSDOWN (NOMINEES) LIMITED (HLNOM)       2,042,193       0.62

Directors of the Merged Group

The directors of Tangiers, if Tangiers acquires Jacka, are proposed to be
Tangiers' existing directors Eve Howell, Brent Villemarette and Max de Vietri
(see section 2.2 for a profile of these directors) and Bob Cassie and Scott
Spencer (see section 4.2 for a profile of these directors). As previously
announced, it is proposed that following completion of the acquisition there
will be a three month period during which Eve Howell will transition to
Non-Executive Chairman, Bob Cassie will be appointed Managing Director, and Max
de Vietri is likely to be replaced by a new Non-Executive Director to be
nominated by Tangiers.

Further information on the proposed Jacka appointees, as required by the AIM
Rules for Companies, is as follows:

Bob Cassie

Robert Alexander Cassie (aged 56) holds a Bachelor of Science with honours in
geology and is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Mr
Cassie is currently the Managing Director of Jacka and is currently also a
director of Bob Cassie Consulting Pty Ltd and various Jacka subsidiary

Scott Spencer

Scott Sherwood Spencer (aged 63) holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of
Philosophy and a Master of Letters. Mr Spencer is currently a Non-Executive
Director of Jacka and is also a director of various Jacka subsidiaries and
Aubrey Consulting Pty Ltd. In the past 5 years, Mr Spencer has also been a
director of Monitor Energy Ltd (now Orca Energy Ltd), Greenrock Energy Ltd,
Blade Petroleum Ltd and Leopard Minerals Plc.

It is proposed that Bob Cassie and Scott Spencer will enter into executive or
services agreements with Tangiers with the following salary or directors fee:

Director                Salary or Director Fee

Bob Cassie              $400,000 per annum, inclusive of superannuation
(Managing Director)

Scott Spencer           $50,000 per annum, exclusive of superannuation
(Non-Executive Director)

Following the successful close of the Offers, the proposed directors will have
an interest in the following number of Tangiers Shares and Tangiers Unlisted
Options as a result of accepting the Offers in respect to existing Jacka Shares
and Jacka Listed Options that they hold as at the date of this Bidder's
Statement and entering into option cancellation deeds in relation to their
existing Jacka Unlisted Options (see section 11.11 of this Bidder's

Director                Tangiers Shares     Unlisted Tangiers Options

Bob Cassie              35,100              234,000
(Managing Director)

Scott Spencer           702,000             936,000
(Non-Executive Director)

Pro forma historical consolidated financial information for the Merged Group

 a. Basis of presentation of unaudited pro forma historical consolidated
    financial information

The unaudited pro forma historical consolidated financial information for the
Merged Group, reflects the consolidated businesses of Tangiers and Jacka and
comprises the pro forma historical consolidated statement of financial position
as at 31 December 2013 and is presented in this section to provide Jacka
Securityholders with an indication of the financial position of the Merged
Group as at 31 December 2013.

As a result it is likely that this information will differ from the actual
financial position for the Merged Group. The unaudited pro forma historical
consolidated statement of financial position of the Merged Group as at 31
December 2013 and the pro forma adjustments are disclosed in this section.

The Merged Group unaudited pro forma historical consolidated financial
information has been provided on the basis that Tangiers acquires Jacka
accordingly and:

     1. the accounting policies of the Merged Group used to prepare the Merged
        Group unaudited pro forma historical consolidated statement of
        financial position are based on the recognition and measurement
        requirements of AASB standards;

     2. the Merged Group unaudited pro forma historical financial information
        has been prepared based on the unaudited trial balance of Tangiers and
        the half year report for Jacka as at 31 December 2013 as released to
        ASX on 16 January 2014; and

     3. the Merged Group unaudited pro forma historical consolidated financial
        information is presented in an abbreviated form and does not contain
        all of the presentation and disclosures that are usually provided in an
        annual financial report in accordance with the Corporations Act. In
        particular it does not include notes to the historical consolidated
        financial information of Tangiers and Jacka.

 b. Pro forma historical consolidated statement of financial position of the
    Merged Group

The Merged Group's unaudited pro forma historical consolidated statement of
financial position is compiled from the aggregation of the:

 1. Tangiers' historical consolidated statement of financial position as at 31
    December 2013, an extract of which is set out in clause 2.4 of this
    Bidder's Statement;

 2. Jacka's historical consolidated statement of financial position as at 31
    December 2013, as extracted from the half year report and accounts released
    on ASX on 16 January 2014; and

 3. pro forma adjustments to reflect the acquisition of Jacka by Tangiers as if
    Tangiers acquired all Jacka Shares and all Jacka Listed Options and Jacka
    Unlisted Options as outlined in this document on 31 December 2013 based on
    price of shares at 31 December 2013 which may change and the results might

Set out below is the Merged Group's unaudited pro forma historical consolidated
statement of financial position as at 31 December 2013.

                                      Tangiers   Adjustments    Adjusted
                                      December        $         December
                                        2013                      2013
                                         $                         $


Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents              6,089,313      934,092    7,023,405

Other receivables                        121,212   12,116,591   12,237,803

Total Current Assets                   6,210,525   13,050,683   19,261,208

Non-Current Assets

Plant and equipment                       49,243       11,529       60,772

Other financial assets                 3,566,500  (3,253,366)      313,134

Exploration and evaluation             7,742,856   32,094,901   39,837,757

Total Non-Current Assets              11,358,599   28,853,064   40,211,663

TOTAL ASSETS                          17,569,124   41,903,747   59,472,871


Current Liabilities

Trade and other payables                 915,761    5,394,421    6,310,182

Borrowings                                     -    1,700,000    1,700,000

Total Current Liabilities                915,761    7,094,421    8,010,182

TOTAL LIABILITIES                        915,761    7,094,421    8,010,182

NET ASSETS                            16,653,363   34,809,326   51,462,689


Contributed equity                    55,889,563   36,767,158   92,656,721

Reserve                               10,761,256    1,025,000   11,786,256

Accumulated losses                  (49,997,456)   (2,982832) (52,980,288)

TOTAL EQUITY                          16,653,363   34,809,326   51,462,689

The pro forma historical consolidated statement of financial position shows
adjustments based on the following transactions as if they occurred on 31
December 2013.

 c. Pro forma adjustments

The following pro forma adjustments have been made in the compilation of Merged
Group pro forma historical consolidated financial information on assumed
acquisition of all Jacka Shares and all Jacka Listed Options by Tangiers and
cancellation of all Jacka Unlisted Options.

 1. the recognition of the farmout agreement with Galp Energia following the
    finalisation of documentation;

 2. Tangiers' acquisition of all Jacka Shares on the issue of 1 Tangiers Share
    to Jacka Shareholders for every 0.468 Jacka Shares held. The maximum number
    of Tangiers Shares issued under the Offers will be 156,455,990 (subject to
    rounding), valued at $36,767,158. This assumes that no Jacka Options are
    exercised during the Offer Period;

 3. Tangiers' acquisition of all Jacka Listed Options for consideration of the
    issue of 1 Tangiers Option to Jacka Listed Optionholders for every 0.468
    Jacka Listed Options held; and

 4. The cancellation of all Jacka Unlisted Options for consideration of the
    issue of 1 Tangiers Unlisted Option to Jacka Unlisted Optionholders for
    every 0.468 Jacka Unlisted Options held.

    The maximum number of Tangiers Options and Tangiers Unlisted Options issued
    under the Offers will be 39,967,200 (subject to rounding), valued at
    $1,025,000. This assumes that no Jacka Listed Options or Jacka Unlisted Options
    are exercised during the Offer Period.

 5. For the purposes of allocating the consideration that Tangiers will provide
    to Jacka Securityholders, it has been assumed that the book value of
    Jacka's assets and liabilities as per their unaudited half year financial
    report at 31 December 2013 as extracted from the half year report and
    accounts released on ASX on 16 January 2014 are equal to their fair value
    as at 31 December 2013, with the excess of the consideration less these
    fair values being attributable to the exploration assets owned by Jacka. It
    is noted that the fair value assessment post acquisition may result in the
    identification of difference from the book value as extracted from the half
    year report and accounts released on ASX on 16 January 2014, which could
    materially impact the allocation as presented in the pro forma statement of
    financial position.

 6. Accrual of advisory fees on completion of the Offer estimated at $1.94
    million. For the purposes of the above pro forma historical consolidated
    statement of financial position, the amount has been included within Trade
    and other payables

Prospects of the Merged Group

If Tangiers acquires all the Jacka Shares and the Jacka Listed Options,
Tangiers will remain the entity listed on the ASX and AIM and will be the
ultimate holding company for all companies with the new Merged Group. The
acquisition by Tangiers of all Jacka Shares and Jacka Listed Options will
result in a Merged Group with a diversified portfolio of oil and gas assets.

This Bidder's Statement does not include forecasts or projections for
production or earnings in relation to Tangiers or the Merged Group. Tangiers
believes that the inclusion of such forecasts would be unduly speculative and
potentially misleading to Jacka Securityholders.

The current dividend policy will be maintained. It is not anticipated that
Tangiers will pay a dividend in the foreseeable future as Tangiers' focus is on
the development of its project portfolio with any operating surplus expected to
be re-invested in the Merged Group's projects.

Joint Company Secretary

Tangiers Petroleum Limited
Level 2, 5 Ord Street
West Perth WA 6005, Australia
Ph: + 61 8 9485 0990


RFC Ambrian Limited (Nominated Adviser)
Mr Stuart Laing
+61 8 9480 2506

Peel Hunt LLP (Joint AIM Broker)
Mr Richard Crichton
Mr Andy Crossley
+44 20 7418 8900

Mr Ed Portman (Media and Investor Relations - United Kingdom)
Tavistock Communications
+44 20 7920 3150