HSC Technology Group Ltd. announced Therapeutic Goods Approval1 (TGA) and the beginning of commercialisation of the CardiacSense solution. The CardiacSense solution is a watch which has been developed from the ground up as an enterprise grade medical device for continuous measurement of heart rate and arrhythmias at ECG-level accuracy. The medical indications certified include "detection of Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib), and monitoring of Heart Rate Variability (HRV), with continuous Photoplethysmography (PPG) and spot Electrocardiogram (ECG).

HSC Technology Group is the exclusive partner with CardiacSense in Australia and New Zealand following an extensive development process and clinical trials. HSC is the first and only company to receive TGA certification for continuous PPG wristband monitoring at the individual heartbeat level and arrhythmia detection, a milestone that will enable HSC to provide proactive health monitoring to the Australian and New Zealand market. HSC Technology Group has integrated the Cardiac Sense data into the HSC Talius Platform to enable emergency response and remote patient monitoring, providing a key element for an end to end solution of 24hr support.

HSC sees this new offering as a continuation of the Talius IoT data collection processing and the entry of HSC into the healthcare industry.