15th January 2015


Board of Directors

Alan Senior

Non-Executive Chairman

Gary Lethridge

Managing Director

Graeme Cameron

Technical Director

Brian Dawes

Non-Executive Director

Karen Gadsby

Non-Executive Director

Contact Details

6 Centro Avenue Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008 Telephone:

+61 8 9380 4230


+ 61 8 9382 8200





Capital Structure

Talisman Mining Limited Director Resignation

Talisman Mining Ltd (ASX: TLM) advises that Mr Graeme Cameron has
resigned as the Company's Technical Director to pursue other opportunities.
Talisman's Chairman, Mr Alan Senior, said "on behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Graeme for his contribution to Talisman and wish him well in his future endeavours."
Mr Senior added that "in light of the recent agreement to acquire the Sinclair Nickel Project, Talisman is well placed for the future with a core focus on nickel sulphides."
"This year, with an anticipated improvement in the nickel price and hopefully some exploration success at Sinclair, 2015 could potentially be a very exciting year for Talisman."
For and on behalf of the Board,
Daniel Madden
Company Secretary

Shares on Issue:

131,538,627 (TLM)

Options on Issue:

6,250,000 (Unlisted)


Talisman Mining Ltd ABN 71 079 536 495

6 Centro Avenue, SubiacoWestern Australia 6008 www.talismanmining.com.au

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