2015 is the UNESCO year of light. Light plays an important role on our planet, in science, medicine, communication and many other areas. In proclaiming the International Year of Light, the United Nations has recognized the importance of light.

Several anniversaries of important scientific publications will be celebrated in 2015. Apart from the scientific importance, the Year of Light will also highlight the topics of light pollution and light saving. An improvement of the quality of life in developing countries is another aspect of the UNESCO initiative.

The Federal Republic of Germany has also planned numerous activities and events, to present the topic to the public in all its facets.

LED Laufsteg (LED Catwalk), opened in the beginning of March, is one of these activities. On the Ladestraße (Charging Street) of the German Museum of Technology in Berlin innovative LED street lighting is shown on a length of 1500m. The visitors can experience the possibilities of different light scenarios and the advantages of LED lighting. Technologies like real time lighting control and adaptive lighting are demonstrated. As a manufacturer of innovative street lighting SWARCO is a partner of this project and contributes, among other things, with interesting facts about brightness and colour perception in street lighting.

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