FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - Shares in Suess Microtec more than made up for their clear previous day's loss on Friday following a positive analyst report. The papers of the semiconductor industry equipment supplier rose by 2.9 percent to 21.60 euros in the morning and were thus the top performer in the SDax. In the course of the year to date, the shares have also been among the top stocks in the index of smaller listed companies, with a price gain of almost 43 percent.

Earlier, analyst Jonah Emerson of Hauck Aufhäuser Investment Banking had reiterated his buy recommendation for Suess following strong quarterly figures from US semiconductor company Nvidia. The Nvidia results, which are driven by the boom with artificial intelligence (AI), also put Suess in a positive light, Emerson emphasized. Nvidia's AI components increasingly rely on a technology called chip-on-wafer-on-substrate to optimize their performance, he said. This technology is also based on solutions from Suess, the expert explained./edh/mis