Possible disposal of telecom towers

Sunrise Communications Group AG ("Sunrise") notes the recent press speculation relating to a potential disposal of telecom towers. Sunrise confirms that it is in the preliminary stages of considering a possible disposal of the larger part of its passive tower infrastructure, potentially supporting a faster deleveraging of the company. There can be no certainty of a transaction being undertaken or concluded, nor as to the terms on which any proposed disposal might be made.

It is the long-term strategy of Sunrise to have the best quality mobile network, which recently resulted in its rating as "Outstanding" in Switzerland and in the entire DACH region by the connect test. As we continuously evaluate how to deliver the full potential of the network, assessing options for our passive infrastructure to focus on strategic network management, network development and the delivery of new technologies is one possible opportunity.

A further statement will be made if appropriate.

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Tensid EQS Ltd., Switzerland


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