Securities Trust of Scotland PLC




Manager's commentary

Global equities finished the year strongly, with the MSCI World index finishing the fourth quarter up by 5.7% in sterling terms. High-yielding stocks underperformed, with the MSCI World High Dividend Yield index rising 4.0%. North America was the strongest regional market and Asia was the weakest. By sector, technology was the best performer and utilities and materials the chief laggards.
The Trust's NAV rose by 2.9% during the period, but lagged its benchmark. The three largest detractors were the Thai telecoms company Shin Corp, Australian-listed engineering consultancy firm WorleyParsons and Japanese vehicle manufacturer Nissan. Shin Corp suffered as a result of weakness in the results at its affiliate AIS, a mobile operator. Meanwhile, WorleyParsons followed up a lacklustre investor-relations day in October with a profit warning, blaming delayed projects in various areas of its business as well as some problem projects where costs were higher than expected. Lastly, Nissan performed poorly after a profit warning in November about full-year guidance.
On the other side, the three biggest positive contributors were US-listed pharmaceutical company AbbVie, Macau casino operator SJM and Prudential, the UK-quoted insurer. AbbVie did well on the positive results of a hepatitis trial for its Humira drug. One of the key parts of our investment thesis is the scope for Humira and the potential of the hepatitis-C franchise. SJM and Prudential also performed strongly on the back of robust results.
During the quarter, we exited positions in the US-listed industrial-packaging company International Paper, European pharmaceutical firm Novartis, WorleyParsons (mentioned above) and two North American banks: CIBC and Fifth Third. There were no new purchases.

Alan P ort er


Objectiv eT o achie v e rising inc ome and long- t erm c apit al gr o wth b y in v es tmen t in global equities

BenchmarkMSC I W orl d Hig h Dividen d Y iel d ind e x

Sect orGlobal equity inc ome

Launch28 June 2005


Asse t class

30 Sep                        31 Dec




E quity alloc a tion

30 Sep31 Dec



Oil & gas14.3%13.9%

Consumer Goods13.4%13.1%

Telecommunications                9.9%11.7%

Consumer services11.8%11.7%


Basic materials5.2%5.0%



Regional allocation

30 Sep31 Dec


North America37.7%36.9%

Asia Pacific ex Japan5.4%4.4%


Emerging markets          1.3%1.3%

Top 10 equity holdings (40.8% of total portfolio)

















Royal Dutch Shell


Philip Morris International


Number of holdings


Number of countries


K e y f acts

T ot al ne t asse ts                                            £173.7m

Shar e price (p)                                             145.3

Ne t asse t v alue per shar e (p)                142.5

Disc oun t (pr emium)                                  (2.0%)

Hist oric ne t yield                                        3.3%

Source for historic yield: State Street as at 31 December 2013. 

The historic yield reflects dividends declared over the past 12 months as a percentage of the mid-market share price, as at the date shown.  Investors may be subject to tax on their dividends.


Discr e t e perf ormance o v er 12 mon ths t o 31 December

2013       2012       2011       2010       2009

Share price       19.4%    14.8%    10.4%    21.3%    19.6%

NAV                     20.8%    8.1%     5.0%      18.4%    29.9%

Benchmark       20.6%     8.3%     3.5%      14.5%    30.1%

Cumula tiv e perf ormance o v er periods t o 31 December 2013

One month

Three months

Six months

One year

Three years

Five years

Share Price             (1.1%)         3.1%          (0.4%)       19.4%        51.2%       119.3%

NAV                          0.0%            2.9%          3.6%          20.8%        37.2%       110.9%

Benchmark             0.5%            4.0%          4.6%          20.6%        35.3%       101.6%

Sour ce: Martin Currie and Mornings t ar . Bid t o bid basis with net inc ome r ein v est ed ov er the periods shown in st erling t erms. These figur es do not include the c os ts of buying and selling shar es in an in v es tmen t trus t. If these w er e included, perf ormance figur es w ould be r educed.

Prior t o 1 Augus t 2011, the T rus t ' s benchmark w as the FT SE All-Shar e inde x and the MSCI W orld High Dividend Y ield inde x ther ea ft er .

P as t perf ormance is not a guide t o futur e r e turns.

Capital structure

Or dinar y shar es 121,899,148*

*Sour ce: Martin Currie as a t 31 December 2013.

Board of Directors

Neil Donaldson (chairman)                               

Andr e w Ir vine

E dw ar d Murra y                                                       

Rachel Beagles

Angus Gor don Lenno x

Material events

The sec ond in t erim dividend f or the y ear t o 31 Mar ch 2014 of 1.15p per shar e w as paid on 13 December 2013 t o shar eholder s on the r egist er on 22 No v ember 2013. The T rus t issued 6,600,000 ne w shar es during the period.

Angus Gordon Lennox was appointed as a non-executive director of the company with effect from 1 November 2013.


The trust has its own website at There you will find further details about the trust, information on Martin Currie, daily share prices (and associated risks), and you can access regular webcasts by the manager.

Key information

Year end                                                                              31 March

Annual general meeting                                                              July

Interim dividends paid                                                 March, June, September, December

Annual management fee as at 31 March 2013†   0.6%

Ongoing charges ratio 31 March 2013*                   1.0%

TIDM code                                                                          STS

Reuters code                                                                     STS.L

†Percentage of net assets.

*Percentage of shareholders' funds. Includes annual management fee.

Net asset value and dividend history

As a t

Shar e


Disc oun t/


31 March


per shar e

(pr emium)

per shar e

2006                   125.5p         135.6p            7.4%                   2.85p

2007                   141.3p         148.4p            4.8%                   5.05p

2008                   116.0p         121.5p            3.8%                   5.45p

2009                   66.3p           75.4p              12.2%                5.45p

2010                   99.0p           109.4p            9.5%                   4.65p

2011                   108.0p         117.4p            8.0%                   4.65p

2012                   122.0p         119.8p            (1.9%)               4.70p

2013                   146.3p         141.8p            (3.2%)               4.75

P as t perf ormance is not a guide t o futur e r e turns.

Risk factors

Please note that, as the shares in investment trusts are traded on a stockmarket, the share price will fluctuate in accordance with supply and demand and may not reflect the underlying net asset value of the shares.  Depending on market conditions and market sentiment, the spread between the purchase and sale price can be wide. As with all stock exchange investments the value of investment trust shares purchases will immediately fall by the difference between the buying and selling prices, the bid-offer spread.

The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. An investor may not get back the amount originally invested.

Investment trusts may also borrow money in order to make further investments. This is known as 'gearing' and can enhance shareholder returns in rising markets but, conversely, can reduce them in falling markets.

The majority of charges will be deducted from the capital of the trust. This will constrain the capital growth of the trust in order to maintain the income streams.

High exposure to a single country market increases potential volatility. Changes in the rates of exchange may cause the value of investments to go up or down.

The trust invests in emerging markets which tend to be more volatile than mature markets and the value of your investment could move sharply up or down. In some circumstances the underlying investments may become illiquid which may constrain the investment manager's ability to realise some or the entire portfolio. The registration and settlement arrangements in emerging markets may be less developed than in more mature markets so the operational risks of investing are higher. Political risks and adverse economic circumstances are more likely to arise putting your investment at risk.

Funds which invest in smaller and/or medium sized companies are specialist funds and as such are likely to carry higher risks than a more widely invested fund.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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