Standard Capital Markets Limited at its board meeting held on July 2, 2024, approved the issuance of Secured, Unlisted, Unrated, Redeemable Non-convertible Debentures ("NCDs") having a face value of INR 1,000,000 each, aggregating up to an amount of INR 4,015,000,000 in one or more tranches on a Private Placement basis, in accordance with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 and other applicable Regulations. Tenure of Instrument: 84 Months and/or 31st March, 2031 whichever is earlier. Date of Maturity: 31st March 2031.

Coupon Interest offered: 10% calculated on XIRR formula in excel. Schedule of payment of coupon/interest and principal: Bullet payment of interest at the end of Tenor of the NCD. Charge/security, if any, created over the assets: Hypothecation/pledge in favour of the Debenture Trustee by or pursuant to the Security Documents for securing the Debenture.