SolTech Energy Sweden AB (publ) (OM:SOLT) acquired 51% stake in Nyedal Konsult AB for SEK 5.1 million on January 9, 2019. The consideration is paid with an initial cash portion of SEK 1.7 million and newly issued SolTech Energy shares to a value of SEK million. After 12 and 24 months, an additional SEK 1.7 million can be paid out additional purchase price if set sales and profitability targets are achieved. The acquisition is financed entirely from its own cash and with newly issued SolTech Energy shares. SolTech Energy has an option to acquire the remaining 49% in 2022. Nyedal had a sales of approximately SEK 22 million in 2018. SolTech Energy Sweden AB (publ) (OM:SOLT) completed the acquisition of 51% stake in Nyedal Konsult AB on January 9, 2019.