SOBR Safe, Inc. announced that it has signed a hardware/software agreement with a two new behavioral health customers1. Both the Texas-based integrative care provider and the Colorado-based recovery services provider have made initial SOBRsure wearable band purchases on behalf of their clients. Texas Customer - the facility intends to present SOBRsure to clients as a more cost-effective, more discrete option for outpatient monitoring, and one that empowers continuous alcohol insight - not just at occasional points in time.

Colorado Customer - this case manager and interventionist is adding SOBRsure as a new standard tool for 24/7 support in the continuing care process, and believes the price and the inconspicuous nature of the band are ideal for client adoption and ongoing use. SOBRsafe has now secured 23 new accounts in 2024, compared to three accounts booked in all of 2023.