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The Board announces that with effect from 2 January 2018,

(1) Ms. Liu Rong, a current executive Director of the Company, was appointed as the chairlady of the Board and the chairlady of the Nomination Committee, in succession to Mr. Yu Pun Hoi;

(2) Mr. Yu Pun Hoi has resigned as the chairman of the Board and the chairman of the

Nomination Committee but remains as an executive director of the Company and a member of the Nomination Committee; and

(3) Mr. Chen Ming Fei, a current executive Director of the Company, was appointed as the CEO.


The board (the ''Board'') of directors (the ''Directors'') of Sino-i Technology Limited (the ''Company'', together with its subsidiaries, the ''Group'') hereby announces that Ms. Liu Rong (''Ms. Liu''), a current executive Director of the Company, was appointed as the chairlady of the Board and the chairlady of the nomination committee of the Company (the ''Nomination Committee'') in succession to Mr. Yu Pun Hoi (''Mr. Yu''), with effect from 2 January 2018.

With effect from 2 January 2018, Mr. Yu has resigned as the chairman of the Board and the chairman of the Nomination Committee due to his other business commitments but remains as an executive Director of the Company and a member of the Nomination Committee.

Mr. Yu has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and that there are no matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company or The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ''Stock Exchange'') in relation to his resignation as the chairman of the Board and the chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The biography of Ms. Liu is available on the Company's website (www.sino-i.com).

Ms. Liu, aged 46, joined the Group in April 2002 and was appointed as an executive Director of the Company in March 2009 and a member of nomination committee in March 2017. Ms. Liu is also a director of a number of subsidiaries of the Company.

Ms. Liu is also responsible for the businesses in culture and media services of Nan Hai Corporation Limited (''Nan Hai'', the holding company of the Company, the shares of which are listed on the Stock Exchange with stock code: 680). Ms. Liu is also an executive director and member of each of the executive committee and the nomination committee of Nan Hai, and a director of certain subsidiaries of Nan Hai.

Ms. Liu has entered into a director's service agreement with the Company for a term of two years on 25 May 2017 subject to the retirement and rotation requirements in accordance with the articles of association of the Company. There is no service agreement in relation to Ms. Liu's appointment as the chairlady of the Board. Ms. Liu is not entitled to receive any director's emoluments, and will receive no additional remuneration for her appointment as chairlady of the Board and chairlady of the Nomination Committee.

Save as disclosed above, as at the date of this announcement, Ms. Liu (i) does not hold any other positions with the Company and its subsidiaries; (ii) has not held any other directorships in listed public companies in Hong Kong or overseas for the last three years; (iii) has not held other major appointments and professional qualifications; and (iv) does not have any relationships with any directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company.

Ms. Liu does not have any interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the ''SFO'').

The Board is not aware of any other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company in respect of the change of chairperson of the Board and the chairperson of the Nomination Committee and does not have any information which is required to be disclosed under Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the ''Listing Rules'').

The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Yu for his valuable contribution to the Company and the Board during his tenure of office as the chairman of the Board and the chairman of the Nomination Committee, and extend a warm welcome to Ms. Liu on her appointments.


The Board hereby announces that Mr. Chen Ming Fei (''Mr. Chen''), a current executive Director of the Company, was appointed as the chief executive officer of the Company (the ''CEO''), with effect from 2 January 2018.

The biography of Mr. Chen is available on the Company's website (www.sino-i.com).

Mr. Chen, aged 41, joined the Group in 2000 and was appointed as an executive Director and general manager of the Company since December 2016. In 2000, Mr. Chen joined 動力 (CE Dongli Technology Company Limited*) (''CE Dongli'' ), a subsidiary of the Company, and has served as the general manager of CE Dongli since January 2012. Currently, Mr. Chen is also the general manager of (Beijing Xinnet Cyber Information Company Limited*) (''Xinnet''), a subsidiary of the Company. Mr. Chen is also a director of a number of subsidiaries of the Company.

Mr. Chen is also an executive committee member of Nan Hai, and a director and/or general manager of certain subsidiaries of Nan Hai.

Mr. Chen has entered into a director's service agreement with the Company for a term of two years commencing on 25 May 2017 subject to the retirement and rotation requirements in accordance with the articles of association of the Company. There is no service agreement in relation to Mr. Chen's appointment as the CEO. Mr. Chen is not entitled to receive any director's fees, but is entitled to receive remuneration of RMB420,000 per annum for the year ending 31 December 2017 for his management positions within the Group. The remuneration of Mr. Chen is determined by the Board with regard to his duties and responsibilities within the Group and the recommendation made by the remuneration committee of the Company. Mr. Chen will receive no additional remuneration for his appointment as CEO.

As at the date of this announcement, Mr. Chen's wife holds 6,120,000 ordinary shares of the Company (representing 0.031% of the total issued share capital of the Company) and 2,800,000 ordinary shares in Nan Hai (representing 0.004% of the total issued share capital of Nan Hai). Under the SFO, Mr. Chen is deemed to be interested in the ordinary shares of the Company and Nan Hai held by his wife.

Save as disclosed above, as at the date of this announcement, Mr. Chen (i) does not hold any other positions with the Company and or any of its subsidiaries; (ii) has not held any other directorships in listed public companies in Hong Kong or overseas for the last three years; (iii) has not held other major appointments and professional qualifications; and (iv) does not have any relationships with any Directors, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company.

Save as disclosed above, Mr. Chen does not have any other interest in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO.

Following the appointment of Mr. Chen as the CEO, the Company has complied with Code A.2.1 of the Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix 14 of the Listing Rules.

The Board is not aware of any other matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company in respect of the appointment of CEO and does not have any information which is required to be disclosed under Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules.

The Board would like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to Mr. Chen on his appointment.

By Order of the Board of

Sino-i Technology Limited

Liu Rong Chairlady

Hong Kong, 2 January 2018

As at the date of this announcement, the Directors are as follows:

Executive directors:

Non-executive director:

Independent non-executive directors:

Ms. Liu Rong

Mr. Lam Bing Kwan

Prof. Jiang Ping

Mr. Yu Pun Hoi

Mr. Fung Wing Lap

Mr. Chen Ming Fei

Mr. Xiao Sui Ning

* For identification purpose only

Sino-I Technology Limited published this content on 02 January 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 02 January 2018 10:44:10 UTC.

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