Singapore Institute of Advanced Medicine Holdings Ltd. announced resignation of Khoo Ho Tong as Independent Director. Job Title: 1. Independent Director 2. Audit Committee Chairman 3. Nominating Committee Member 4. Remuneration Committee Member. Reason For Cessation: The Board acknowledged Mr. Khoo Ho Tong ("Mr Khoo")'s resignation as an Independent Director of the Company with effect from 17 August 2024 due to health reasons and personal commitments.

Following Mr. Khoo's resignation, he will also relinquish his position as Chairman of the Audit Committee, Member of the Nominating Committee, and Member of the Remuneration Committee. As a result, save for the Remuneration Committee, the number of members in each of the Audit Committee and Nominating Committee will fall below the required minimum number of 3 members following Mr. Khoo's cessation. The Company is currently reviewing the composition of the Board Committees and will update the shareholders in due course.

The Company will endeavour to fill the vacancy within 2 months, but in any case, no later than 3 months after the effective date of Mr. Khoo's cessation. After having interviewed Mr. Khoo and to the best of its knowledge, the Sponsor is satisfied that, save as disclosed in this announcement of cessation, there are no other material reasons for the resignation of Mr. Khoo as an Independent Director of the Company. Other DirectorShips Past: 1. Nam Lee pressed Metal Industries Limited 2. Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals Limited.

Other DirectorShips Present: Abundante Limited.