Singapore Airlines Limited announced group and company operating results for the month of December 2018. For the month, on company basis, the company reported passenger capacity (seat-km) of 10,815.6 million compared to 10,251.3 million a year ago. Passenger-km was 9,245.5 million compared to 8,655.6 million a year ago. Passengers carried were 1,856,000 compared to 1,754,000 a year ago. Passenger load factor was 85.5% compared to 84.4% a year ago. For the month, on group basis, the company reported capacity (seat-km) of 15,001.4 million compared to 14,047.5 million a year ago. Passenger-km was 12,758.2 million compared to 11,896.0 million a year ago. Passengers carried were 3,273,000 compared to 3,091,000 a year ago. Passenger load factor was 85.0% compared to 84.7% a year ago.